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2 pages/≈550 words
5 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Other (Not Listed)
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Flyer Health, Medicine, Nursing Research Coursework (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


The task was to create a flyer that provides information on the academy of medical-surgical nurses by covering the organization's mission and values, advantages of being a member, membership requirements, membership fees and organizational collaborations.


The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN)Compassion. Commitment. Connection.

Street Address: 


E-mail Address:


OVERVIEWAMSN was founded in 1991 and it is the only nursing organization in the world that specializes in the field of medical-surgical nursing. AMSN has a total number of 11,500 nurses who are committed to improving patient care and advocating for the medical-surgical field while at the same time connecting with others in the same profession (AMSN, 2018).AMSN’s main objectives include improving the medical-surgical profession, developing standards that guide nursing practice and establishing a curriculum that guides the medical-nursing (AMSN, 2018).

MISSION, VISION, VALUESAMSN’s mission is to promote excellence in the practice of medical-surgical nursing while the vision states that nursing in medical-surgery is a speciality field that has its own source of knowledge (AMSN, 2018).The values of AMSN include: Believing that continuous development ensures patients will receive better care, ensuring nurses have the resources to provide excellent care, having all medical-surgical nurses speaking in one voice, ensuring all nurses are working in a health environment and are serving as leaders in healthcare teams (AMSN, 2018).

* AMSN membership allows you access to the latest educational resources such as MEDSURG Nursing journals and the AMSN E-newsletter as well as attending the AMSN Annual Convention.
* Nurses in med-surg can be supported with financial aid when seeking further education.

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