The Concealed Carry Education Research Paper Essay (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
This paper was an argumentative essay on the debate of conceal carry by college employees. in this paper, i argued against the idea of legalizing conceal carry in education colleges disputing the views of safety and the theory of effective self-defense as has often been based on by the proponents of this view to hold up on the idea of allowing college employees and stakeholders to carry guns on college campuses
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Professor’s Name
Concealed Weapons
The debate on concealed carry dates to over a decade back but it has just of present gained enormous momentum in public because of the unprecedented rates of terror attacks on schools. Campus carry has been the coined name to portend the law that legally permits students, faculties, and staff to carry concealed weapons on school premises. Presently, the American state is at the helm of this debate with now over ten states reported to having legalized campus carry of concealed weapons (Ewing par 6). Inevitably, this has sparked intense debates in society over the safety of this new trend in education. While objectors of this policy peg their views on the improved safety that Campus carry dispenses to school victims, in a personal insight, I refute this proposition in view of the adverse effects gun carry can impose to the fate of education.
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