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Literary Features and Devices (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
Literary features and devices. Case study speech. Political cartoon irony
Literary features and devices
A literary device and features refer to the distinctive arrangements employed by speakers or to some extents writers within their pieces of work so as to pass their messages appropriately in a manner which is simple to their listeners or rather readers. When used appropriately, various literary features and devices assists listeners and readers towards appreciating, interpreting as well as analysing the speech delivered or to some extent the literary work that has been written (Jafarl and Ali 33). They are very significant parts of speech that are being employed by most of the speakers on most of their speeches. Besides, such devices help speakers together with the writes to pass their messages in an appropriate manner.
Case study speech
A speech by David Cameroon just before the September 18, 2014 Scottish independent vote carried several literary devices that assisted the Prime minister to win the heart of Scottish voters’ votes during that period. The major task that Mr. Cameroon was having indeed, was to convince Scottish voters towards voting for a particular course, that is, the referendum. The referendum was to determine whether Scotland as a nation was to be ripped off from the UK or not. These are some of the literary devices Mr. Cameroon utilized in his speech as well as what those literary devices meant as portrayed within the speech excerpt
Foreshadowing- this is a literary device where a speaker or rather a writer provides hints in advance of whatever is going come afterward within the speech or rather in a story. David Cameroon used foreshadowing in his speech. He was painting a picture of what shall take place in case Scottish votes voted to be separated from the UK. In his speech he said… this is a decision that could break up our family of nations, and rip Scotland from the rest of the UK… In this sentence Mr. Cameroon was trying to make Scottish voters to be aware of the future implications of voting in support of ripping Scotland from the rest of the UK. Foreshadowing as a literary feature made David Cameroon to score his point in this instance.
Flashback- refers to the interruptions which writers or rather speaker typically places past occurrences with the intention of providing background or to some extent the context for the occurrence concerning the narrative if it is written piece or a speech like in the case of Mr. Cameroon .Through employing flashbacks, speakers and writers allow their listeners and readers towards gaining insight into the motivation of a character as well as offer the background towards any conflict which is arising .Sequences of dream and memories normally are the approaches employed in presenting flashbacks in any literary work or rather speech. David Cameroon remembered the way they built Scotland jointly. He said…and we built this home together…This further charged crowd to visualize how they struggled in building Scotland which they wanted to disintegrate from UK. It is very significant to make such audience to have a flashback of the past. Mr. Cameroon utterly did that in his speech in scoring a point. Indeed, this further charged the crowd to typically see the significance of voting to make Scotland be disintegrated from the UK.
Symbolism- This is typically everywhere in all walks of life; symbolism normally on every occasion something is deemed to be representing something else (Shahar 89). It is a figurative speech which is employed whenever an author or rather a speaker needs to generate a particular emotion or mood within a piece of literature or in a speech (Shahar and Sheera 45). It is the utilization of objects, persons, situations or to some extent words in representing something else, such as a notion within a literal work or rather a speech. The typical kind of symbolism employed within the speech of David Cameroon incorporates the use of Metaphor. Metaphor refers to a comparison which is made between two distinct objects without using the expressions 'as' or 'like.' For instance, Mr. Cameroon mentioned... British Lions… this was figuratively used to show the braveness of the British people. This was meant to make the Scottish voters never to leave or rather vote in favour of separating from the Lions to mean that the British are never typically fearful but rather brave.
Another instance where symbolism is employed was when Mr. Cameroon was telling the Scottish voters that for citizens of Scotland to away is like a painstaking constructing a home, then finally walking through the door then subsequently throwing away the door key. This is symbolized as Mr. Cameroon likened the disintegration of the Scottish people from the UK with a scenario explained above. Through the use of such symbolism, the audience gets to think deeply about their move of ripping from UK. They get to think of the positive as well as negative implications as placed by Mr. Cameroon in his figurative speech where he compared such kind of ripping off with a painstaking building a house.
Rhetoric question- This is a query which the speaker can ask the audience exclusive of anticipating for an answer from the listeners (Séraphin 20). Such questions could be ones which do not require answers. The questions might similarly be the ones which have obvious answers, though the speaker has asked them with an intention of making a point or...
Literary features and devices
A literary device and features refer to the distinctive arrangements employed by speakers or to some extents writers within their pieces of work so as to pass their messages appropriately in a manner which is simple to their listeners or rather readers. When used appropriately, various literary features and devices assists listeners and readers towards appreciating, interpreting as well as analysing the speech delivered or to some extent the literary work that has been written (Jafarl and Ali 33). They are very significant parts of speech that are being employed by most of the speakers on most of their speeches. Besides, such devices help speakers together with the writes to pass their messages in an appropriate manner.
Case study speech
A speech by David Cameroon just before the September 18, 2014 Scottish independent vote carried several literary devices that assisted the Prime minister to win the heart of Scottish voters’ votes during that period. The major task that Mr. Cameroon was having indeed, was to convince Scottish voters towards voting for a particular course, that is, the referendum. The referendum was to determine whether Scotland as a nation was to be ripped off from the UK or not. These are some of the literary devices Mr. Cameroon utilized in his speech as well as what those literary devices meant as portrayed within the speech excerpt
Foreshadowing- this is a literary device where a speaker or rather a writer provides hints in advance of whatever is going come afterward within the speech or rather in a story. David Cameroon used foreshadowing in his speech. He was painting a picture of what shall take place in case Scottish votes voted to be separated from the UK. In his speech he said… this is a decision that could break up our family of nations, and rip Scotland from the rest of the UK… In this sentence Mr. Cameroon was trying to make Scottish voters to be aware of the future implications of voting in support of ripping Scotland from the rest of the UK. Foreshadowing as a literary feature made David Cameroon to score his point in this instance.
Flashback- refers to the interruptions which writers or rather speaker typically places past occurrences with the intention of providing background or to some extent the context for the occurrence concerning the narrative if it is written piece or a speech like in the case of Mr. Cameroon .Through employing flashbacks, speakers and writers allow their listeners and readers towards gaining insight into the motivation of a character as well as offer the background towards any conflict which is arising .Sequences of dream and memories normally are the approaches employed in presenting flashbacks in any literary work or rather speech. David Cameroon remembered the way they built Scotland jointly. He said…and we built this home together…This further charged crowd to visualize how they struggled in building Scotland which they wanted to disintegrate from UK. It is very significant to make such audience to have a flashback of the past. Mr. Cameroon utterly did that in his speech in scoring a point. Indeed, this further charged the crowd to typically see the significance of voting to make Scotland be disintegrated from the UK.
Symbolism- This is typically everywhere in all walks of life; symbolism normally on every occasion something is deemed to be representing something else (Shahar 89). It is a figurative speech which is employed whenever an author or rather a speaker needs to generate a particular emotion or mood within a piece of literature or in a speech (Shahar and Sheera 45). It is the utilization of objects, persons, situations or to some extent words in representing something else, such as a notion within a literal work or rather a speech. The typical kind of symbolism employed within the speech of David Cameroon incorporates the use of Metaphor. Metaphor refers to a comparison which is made between two distinct objects without using the expressions 'as' or 'like.' For instance, Mr. Cameroon mentioned... British Lions… this was figuratively used to show the braveness of the British people. This was meant to make the Scottish voters never to leave or rather vote in favour of separating from the Lions to mean that the British are never typically fearful but rather brave.
Another instance where symbolism is employed was when Mr. Cameroon was telling the Scottish voters that for citizens of Scotland to away is like a painstaking constructing a home, then finally walking through the door then subsequently throwing away the door key. This is symbolized as Mr. Cameroon likened the disintegration of the Scottish people from the UK with a scenario explained above. Through the use of such symbolism, the audience gets to think deeply about their move of ripping from UK. They get to think of the positive as well as negative implications as placed by Mr. Cameroon in his figurative speech where he compared such kind of ripping off with a painstaking building a house.
Rhetoric question- This is a query which the speaker can ask the audience exclusive of anticipating for an answer from the listeners (Séraphin 20). Such questions could be ones which do not require answers. The questions might similarly be the ones which have obvious answers, though the speaker has asked them with an intention of making a point or...
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