Video Observation & Documentary Reflection (Other (Not Listed) Sample)
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o Documentary Reflection- Embracing Dyslexia - 300 words, due 27 Feb 11 pm (MST)
o Classroom Video Observation #3 - 300 words, due 27 Feb 5 am (MST)
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Name of the Student
Name of the Instructor
UTEP SPED 3310 Video Reflection Form
Your Name:
Web Address and Name of the Video:
Length of the video: 50 minutes and 30seconds
Short Description of the Video:
Embracing dyslexia film is an educative movie on the importance of embracing dyslexia. Embracing dyslexia documentary film provides embracing of dyslexia disorder by providing an example of a child who suffered from a dyslexia disorder and the journey it took him to heal from dyslexia. Therefore, the film provides an overview of dyslexia and explains the importance of screening to children who experience difficulties in reading and writing. The film also provides actions that enhance the success of a student who has dyslexia. Cases of dyslexia disorders seem quite common.
Explain how this video made you feel and any “Aha!” moments you experienced:
From the video, dyslexia disorder can extremely affect a person's life. Some even do not join high school and college due to dyslexia disorder.
What actions are you inspired to take as a teacher for your future classroom of students due to the ideas and possibilities introduced in the video?
Children with dyslexia need to be screened as early as possible when diagnosed with the disease. It works, and one day the child may seem it is possible. Dyslexia disorder can affect the dream of a person. Some actions are essential to help children suffering from dyslexia. For example, classroom accommodation is one of the best strategies to help children struggling with dyslexia. Teachers should give time to children to meditate on their answers. Furthermore, teachers should keep their struggles private. Another strategy is building up by encouraging them to read, even often during class.
What did you disagree with within the video, or what would you do differently in your future classroom? Explain why those changes would be necessary for your future students?
As a teacher, I can improve my level of interaction with children who have dyslexia by actively engaging the children to participate in a loud reading. When a child reads loudly or is given a chance to express personal feelings, the child feels accommodated; thus, the urge to practice more increases.
Name of the Student
Name of the Instructor
Embracing Dyslexia
* What is dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a condition experienced by children associated with difficulties in reading. Ideally, dyslexia is a learning disorder that children suffer from and may experience reading difficulties due to speech sound identification problems.
* What were your misconceptions about dyslexia?
Dyslexia disorder only affects boys at a young age. The truth is that both girls and boys can be dyslexic.
Another misconception is that a significant sign of dyslexia is when children read or write letters backward. However, all young readers experience the same problem when learning to read.
Trying to read harder by students who have dyslexia can solve the disorder.
* Consider the documentary and explain if you can now recognize some people in your life who may have dyslexia?
Cases of dyslexia disorders seem quite common. Children in lower classes have communication difficulties. Their communication skills are very poor since they pronounce their words differently.
Apart from young children who experience dyslexia, adults may also have dyslexia. Adults may find challenges in reading due to stroke or brain injury. There are adults nowadays who cannot read correctly when a document is presented to them.
* How does dyslexia impact an individual in all aspects of their life, private and professional?
Dyslexia affects a person in several ways.
Dyslexia affects communication, timekeeping, multi-tasking, and memory. People are suffering from dyslexia experience problems with communication skills. Dyslexia makes a person poorly pronounce words while talking to others.
* How does an individual develop coping skills to deal with their issues?
An individual should keep working smart and hard. Daily practice on reading some books or novels enhances their reading
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