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E-Learning and Face to Face Learning. Education Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


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E-Learning and Face-To-Face Learning
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E-Learning and Face-To-Face Learning
Learning involves sharing of information and interaction between the learners, and their teacher or trainer. In today’s world, both e-learning and face-to-face learning are two mode of learning that are used. Sometimes referred to as traditional language, face-to-face learning was the first mode of learning that was used but after the invention of computers and internet encouraged the e-learning which is more preferred in learning today. Regardless of how effective each method is, both e-learning and traditional learning are common up to date. Most of the developed countries uses the e-learning method more that face-to-face learning in their education system. On the other hand, the developing countries are in follow up of what the developed countries do and therefore, most of developing countries are today using the e-learning method alongside the face-to-face learning. This easy compares the face-to-face learning and e-learning as they are applied in education and training.

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