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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Public Health Medicine Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


The instructions required writing about the effects of consuming alcohol on public health


Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Public Health
Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Public Health
Alcohol is mainly categorized as a drug of dependence, but far from that, it causes various types of diseases and conditions. Starting with the individual, consumption of alcohol may cause injuries, behavioral and mental disorders, immunological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal conditions, lung diseases, cancers, reproductive disorders, as well as skeletal and muscular diseases (Anderson, 2019). For conditions such as respiratory distress syndrome, cardiomyopathy, and muscle damage, the harm increases with a sustained level of alcohol consumption. Therefore, the risk of suffering from alcohol-related diseases and conditions increases with the volume of alcohol taken.
People taking alcohol also pose health risks to other members of the society. Firstly, high alcohol intake leads to impaired judgment, which may result into irresponsible sexual activities. Spouses may be infected with sexually transmitted infections, and even HIV because of irresponsible partners. Secondly, alcohol is an immunosuppressant, thus makes individuals vulnerable to communicable diseases, especially tuberculosis (Anderson, 2019). Consequently, those infected risk the health and even lives of their relatives, and close members of the public. Thirdly, pregnant women who drink alcohol risk the health of their unborn children. In most cases, children born of such mothers are underweight. Additionally, alcoholics tend to be violent and can wreck their homes, leading to mental conditions to family members, especially depression.

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