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Impacts of alcohol on health Health, Medicine, Nursing Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


Effects of Alcohol on Health


Effects of Alcohol on Health
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Impact of Alcohol on Health
Alcohol has been widely accepted as a drug of dependence despite being highly documented as a probable cause and risk factor for more than 60 different forms of diseases as well as conditions, injuries, behavioral as well as mental disorders (Neumann et al., 2016). Over the past decades, there have been a large body of research that has accumulated and concurred that the amount of lifetime alcohol consumed as well as the frequency of drinking and the volume taken in every event enhances the risks of alcohol-related conditions and disorders. For instance, certain conditions such as muscle harm, cardiomyopathy, acute respiratory distress disease, only lead to harm due to the extensive degree of alcohol consumption (WHO & MSB, 2014). However, even at moderated levels, alcohol is revealed to heighten the severity and risks of these conditions. It should be emphasized that a high frequency, as well as the volume of episodic excessive drinking, are essential in enhancing the risks of cardiovascular conditions including stroke and coronary heart disease (WHO & MSB, 2014). This is due to the fact that alcohol marks as an intoxicant that affects diverse processes as well as structures in the central nervous system further affecting personality aspects as well as correlated sociocultural and behavioral expectations (Thompson et al., 2017). In this regard, this informative essay sets out to explore how alcohol affects the health of individuals.
Effects of Alcohol on Physical Health
Alcohol as a Carcinogen
There’s a strong correlation between alcohol consumption and cancer of the pharynx, liver, colon, esophagus, oral cavity as well as female breast. In essence, these types of cancers show the presence of a dose relationship where the risk of cancer heightens with excessive consumptions of alcohol and at an elevated frequency (Babor et al., 2017). Although it is evident that alcohol marks as a carcinogen, the strength of the relationship in regards to the volume and frequency of alcohol consumptions varies across different types of cancers. For instance, when it comes female breast cancers, every additional 10 g of alcohol (pure) that is consumed daily leads to 7% increase in the high risk of breast cancer (Neumann et al., 2016). For colorectal cancer, the consumption of 50 g of pure alcohol leads to an increase of 10-20% risk further proving that the there’s a strong correlation between high levels of alcohol consumption and female breast cancers.
Alcohol and Cardiovascular Diseases

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