Understanding the Branches of Artery (Research Paper Sample)
Paper instructions:
1. Name any two different terminal branches of the same external carotid artery located on the facial side.
2. Name any one of the terminal branched of the external carotid artery located on the auricular (ear) side.
3. List any five of the nine blood vessels involved in the make- up of the Circle of Willis. (No particular order is necessary).
4. Name any unpaired or single artery of the human body, that we have studied so far.
5. List any branch off the arch of the aorta.
Student’s Name
1 Name any two different terminal branches of the same external carotid artery located on the facial side.a. Superficial Temporalb. Internal Maxillary
(External Carotid Artery • Cardiovascular • AnatomyZone. 2018).2. Name any one of the terminal branched of the external carotid artery located on the auricular (ear) side.a. Posterior Auricular
(Occipital branch of posterior auricular artery - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. 2018)3. List any five of the nine blood vessels involved in the make- up of the Circle of Willis. (No particular order is necessary).a. Anterior communicating arteryb. Anterior cerebral arteryc. Internal carotid arteryd. Posterior communicating arterye. Posterior cerebral artery
(Occipital branch of posterior auricular artery - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. 2018)4. Name any unpaired or single artery of the human body, that we have studied so far. a. celiac artery5. List any branch off the arch of the aorta.a. brachiocephalic artery
(External Carotid Artery • Car
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