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Compensation benefits paper Management Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


I was required to discuss the challenges facing Walmart's compensation and benefit system. I was required to provide a brief historical view of the organization. I was supposed to assess the company’s current challenge, review other organizations that had a similar situation (and the strategy they devised to address the issue),
explore theories and strategies that should be contemplated to address the situation, and finally,
include a recommendation to management regarding how to address/resolve the situation.
Importantly, I recommended based on solid research and analyzed and reflected a comprehensive solution to the problem.


Compensation and Benefit System: Walmart Case Study
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Compensation and Benefit System: Walmart Case Study
Whereas a salary increment boosts the economic welfare of staff, it is not a guarantee to employees' job satisfaction, other benefits notwithstanding. A holistic approach to labor-management geared towards employees' happiness is required to steer organizational growth and customer satisfaction. Walmart, a retail company with over 11,000 stores, is facing employee compensation crises.
The firm has over two million employees, most of them working on an hourly basis. The large number of the labor force has led to the business' high cost at the expense of relatively insufficient revenues. The policy adopted by the corporation aims at selling volumes at low prices has not borne enough to compensate employees as per their demands. Failure to integrate a strategic compensation strategy that would see a satisfied workforce. has resulted in widespread unrest and equally destroyed the company's reputation in compensation.
Walmart History

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