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Influence of Community Based Organizations-Activities: Nairobi Kenya (Research Paper Sample)


This research project was to investigate the influence of Community Based Organizations’ activities on sustainable livelihoods in “selected” urban poor settlements in Nairobi County. It explores the livelihood theories and concepts employed in social development in both rural and urban set up in the world over and their implication to the situation of the urban poor. Development agencies have fronted community based organization (CBO) as an effective tool for development. CBOs which bring about community ownership of the process and structures of social change in urban poor settlements have been in the forefront championing their own development thus influencing their livelihood situation. This study sought to establish the relationship between the dependent variable sustainable livelihoods in selected urban poor settlements in Nairobi County and the independent variables CBO activities. The objectives were to investigate the influence of CBO activities: Resource mobilization, Service delivery, popular participation, and Socio-economic activities on sustainable livelihoods in selected urban poor settlements in Nairobi County. The research used descriptive survey design with a mixed approach that explores the independent variables. The study targeted 24 CBOs in 7 urban poor settlements with a target population of 1744 members where community organization has been practiced. A sample of 174 respondents was picked using stratified random sampling method. Data collection instruments used was questionnaires. Review of literature revealed that studies done in the past described to some extent the independent variables CBOs but did not go further to show the relationship between the independent variable CBO activities and the dependent variable sustainable livelihoods. Literature review did not reveal any study that has been carried out in Nairobi County. Data analysis was by descriptive statistics such as mean, percentages and standard deviation while the inferential analysis was by use of correlation and regression analysis in order to predict the influence of each variable to the sustainable livelihoods using SPSS 22.0. The findings revealed that the four independent variables have a positively skewed distribution and a positive slope meaning one unit increase in one variable leads to increase in the others and a linear positive correlation with each other and with the dependent variable sustainable livelihoods. The regression analysis found that the four independent variables contribution to the model of fit was significant with resource mobilization, service delivery, popular participation and socioeconomic activities contributing 0.128, 0.313, 0.171 and 0.330 respectively per unit change to the sustainable livelihoods model and explained almost 95% of the sustainable livelihoods of the urban poor. Controlling the four variables at 0, sustainable livelihood will be 0.195. Service delivery contributes more to the model and is cross cutting and improvement in CBO service delivery combined with socioeconomic activities; sustainable livelihoods will increase by 0.838. The researcher recommendation is for governments and development agencies to engage CBOs as a resource and a tool for change to realize vision 2030 and the sustainable development goals. There is also need for further research in the influence of CBO activities in sustainable livelihoods in other areas.


This research Project Report is dedicated to my dear husband Daniel Mwendwa Musilu, and my loving daughter Favour Ruth Ndanu, My Mother Mary Folingi, brothers, sisters and in-laws who have been very supportive and stood with me during my difficult times in the process of writing of the report.
I wish to acknowledge all the people who contributed to the successful completion of this research project. Special appreciation goes to the University of Nairobi, Kikuyu Campus department of education and external studies for giving me the opportunity to take this course. I am particularly grateful to my supervisor, Prof. Harriet Kidombo, for her dedication and constructive guidance and support that has made this research successful. I extend sincere gratitude to the staff of the department of Extra-Mural studies main campus for the assistance they accorded to me during my studies.
I acknowledge support accorded by CBO leaders in Korogocho, Kibera, Mukuru, Kawangware, and Huruma, Kariobangi and Kiambiu who doubled as research assistants and data collection staff, for time and dedication they gave towards this activity.
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Declaration PAGEREF _Toc467238286 \h ii
Dedication PAGEREF _Toc467238287 \h iii
Acknowledgement PAGEREF _Toc467238288 \h iv
Table Of Contents PAGEREF _Toc467238289 \h v
List Of Tables PAGEREF _Toc467238290 \h viii
List Of Figures PAGEREF _Toc467238291 \h ix
Abbreviations And Acronyms PAGEREF _Toc467238292 \h x
Abstract PAGEREF _Toc467238293 \h xi
Chapter One PAGEREF _Toc467238294 \h 1
Introduction PAGEREF _Toc467238295 \h 1
1.1Background Of The Study PAGEREF _Toc467238296 \h 1
1.1.1Overview Of Community Organization In Kenya PAGEREF _Toc467238297 \h 2
1.2Statement Of The Problem PAGEREF _Toc467238298 \h 3
1.3Purpose Of The Study PAGEREF _Toc467238299 \h 4
1.4Objectives Of The Study PAGEREF _Toc467238300 \h 4
1.5Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc467238301 \h 4
1.6Significance Of The Study PAGEREF _Toc467238302 \h 5
1.7Delimitation Of The Study PAGEREF _Toc467238303 \h 5
1.8Limitations Of The Study PAGEREF _Toc467238304 \h 6
1.9Assumptions Of The Study PAGEREF _Toc467238305 \h 6
1.10Definitions Of Significant Terms PAGEREF _Toc467238306 \h 6
1.11Organization Of The Study PAGEREF _Toc467238307 \h 7
Chapter Two:Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc467238309 \h 9
2.1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc467238310 \h 9
2.2Strategies For Sustainable Livelihoods In Urban Poor Settlements PAGEREF _Toc467238311 \h 9
2.2.1Influence Of CBO Activities On Sustainable Livelihoods In Urban Poor Settlements PAGEREF _Toc467238312 \h 14
2.3Influence Of CBO Resource Mobilization On Sustainable Livelihoods PAGEREF _Toc467238313 \h 15
2.4Influence Of CBO Service Delivery On Sustainable Livelihoods PAGEREF _Toc467238314 \h 17
2.5Influence Of Popular Participation On Sustainable Livelihoods PAGEREF _Toc467238315 \h 21
2.6Influence Socio-Economic Activities On Sustainable Livelihoods PAGEREF _Toc467238316 \h 26
2.7Theoretical Framework PAGEREF _Toc467238317 \h 28
2.8Conceptual Framework PAGEREF _Toc467238318 \h 29
2.9Knowledge Gaps PAGEREF _Toc467238320 \h 31
2.10Summary Of The Reviewed Literature: PAGEREF _Toc467238321 \h 32
Chapter Three: Research Methodology PAGEREF _Toc467238323 \h 33
3.1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc467238324 \h 33
3.2Research Design PAGEREF _Toc467238325 \h 33
3.3Target Population PAGEREF _Toc467238326 \h 33
3.4Sampling Procedure And Sample Size PAGEREF _Toc467238327 \h 34
3.5Research Instrument PAGEREF _Toc467238328 \h 35
3.6Validity Of The Research Instrument PAGEREF _Toc467238329 \h 35
3.7Reliability Of The Research Instrument PAGEREF _Toc467238330 \h 35
3.8Methods Of Data Analysis And Presentation PAGEREF _Toc467238331 \h 35
3.9Ethical Issues PAGEREF _Toc467238332 \h 36
3.10Operational Definition Of Variables PAGEREF _Toc467238333 \h 36
3.11Chapter Summary PAGEREF _Toc467238334 \h 37
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Presentation And Interpretation PAGEREF _Toc467238336 \h 38
4.1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc467238337 \h 38
4.2Demographic Information PAGEREF _Toc467238338 \h 38
4.2.1Response Rate PAGEREF _Toc467238339 \h 38
4.2.2Gender Response PAGEREF _Toc467238340 \h 39
4.2.3Age Of The Respondents PAGEREF _Toc467238341 \h 39
4.2.4Level Of Education PAGEREF _Toc467238342 \h 40
4.2.5Source Of Livelihood Of The Respondents PAGEREF _Toc467238343 \h 40
4.2.6CBO Engagement Livelihood Activities PAGEREF _Toc467238344 \h 41
4.2.7Extend Of Understanding Of CBO Sustainable Livelihood Activities PAGEREF _Toc467238345 \h 41
4.2.8CBO Livelihood Activities PAGEREF _Toc467238346 \h 42
4.2.8 Response On CBO Activities On Sustainable Livelihoods PAGEREF _Toc467238347 \h 42
4.3Influence Of CBO Resource Mobilization PAGEREF _Toc467238348 \h 43
4.3.1Response On Resource Mobilization Activities PAGEREF _Toc467238349 \h 43
4.4Influence Of CBO Service Delivery PAGEREF _Toc467238350 \h 44
4.4.1Response To Influence On CBO Service Delivery PAGEREF _Toc467238351 \h 44
4.5Influence Of CBO Popular Participation PAGEREF _Toc467238352 \h 45
4.5.1Types Of Popular Participation Activities PAGEREF _Toc467238353 \h 45
4.6Influence Of CBO Socio-Economic Initiatives PAGEREF _Toc467238354 \h 46
4.6.1Types Of Social Economic Activities PAGEREF _Toc467238355 \h 46
4.7Sustainable Livelihoods In Urban Poor Settlements PAGEREF _Toc467238356 \h 47
4.7.1Influence Sustainable Livelihoods In Urban Poor Settlements PAGEREF _Toc467238357 \h 47
4.8Inferential Statistics Sustainable Livelihoods In Urban Poor Settlements PAGEREF _Toc467238358 \h 48
4.8.1Correlation Of Variables PAGEREF _Toc467238359 \h 48
4.8.2Analysis Of Variance (Anova) PAGEREF _Toc467238360 \h 50
4.8.3Regression Analysis PAGEREF _Toc467238361 \h 50
4.8.4Model Summary PAGEREF _Toc467238362 \h 51
Chapter Five: Summary Of Findings, Discussions, Conclusions And Recomendations PAGEREF _Toc467238363 \h 53
5.1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc467238364 \h 53
5.2Summary Of Findings PAGEREF _Toc467238365 \h 53
5.2.1Influence CBO Resource Mobilization PAGEREF _Toc467238366 \h 53
5.2.2Influence Of CBO Service Delivery PAGEREF _Toc467238367 \h 54
5.2.3Influence Of Popular Participation PAGEREF _Toc467238368 \h 54
5.2.4Influence Of Socio Economic Activities PAGEREF _Toc467238369 \h 54
5.3Discussion Of The Findings PAGEREF _Toc467238370 \h 55
5.4Conclusions PAGEREF _Toc467238371 \h 60
5.5Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc467238372 \h 60
Appendices PAGEREF _Toc467238373 \h 70
Appendix I: Introduction Letter PAGEREF _Toc467238374 \h 70
Appendix 11: Questionnaire PAGEREF _Toc467238375 \h 71
TOC \h \z \c "Table 3." Table 3.1 Population Size PAGEREF _Toc466296004 \h 33
Table 3.2 Sample Size PAGEREF _Toc466296005 \h 34
Table 3.3 Operational Definition Of Dependent And Independent Variables PAGEREF _Toc466296006 \h 36
TOC \h \z \c "Table 4." Table 4.1 Response Rate PAGEREF _Toc466295853 \h 38
Table 4.2 Response By Gender PAGEREF _Toc466295854 \h 39
Table 4.3 Age Of The Respondents PAGEREF _Toc466295855 \h 39
Table 4.4 Level Of Education PAGEREF _Toc466295856 \h 40
Table 4.5 Individual Source Of Livelihood PAGEREF _Toc466295857 \h 40
Table 4.6 CBO Engagement In Livelihood Activities PAGEREF _Toc466295858 \h 41
Table 4.7 Extend Of Understanding Of Sustainable Livelihood PAGEREF _Toc466295859 \h 42
Table 4.8 Response On CBO Activities On Sustainable Livelihoods PAGEREF _Toc466295860 \h 42
Table 4.9 Response On Resource Mobilization PAGEREF _Toc466295861 \h 43
Table 4.10 Service Delivery PAGEREF _Toc466295862 \h 44
Table 4.11 Response To CBO Popular Participation Activities PAGEREF _Toc466295863 \h 45
Table 4.12 Response To CBO Socio-Economic Activities PAGEREF _Toc466295864 \h 46
Table 4.13 Response On CBO Sustainable Livelihoods In Urban Poor Settlements PAGEREF _Toc466295865 \h 47
Table 4.14 Pearsons Correlation Of Variable PAGEREF _Toc466295866 \h 49
Table 4.15 One Way Analysis Of Variance PAGEREF _Toc466295867 \h 50
Table 4.16 Analysis Of Coefficients PAGEREF _Toc466295868 \h 50
Table 4.17 Model Summary PAGEREF _Toc466295869 \h 51
TOC \h \z \c "Table 3.2"
TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1: Conceptual framework for the influence of CBO sustainable livelihoods in selected urban poor settlements in Nairobi County, Kenya PAGEREF _Toc460667962 \h 30
AWSB Athi Water Services Board
CBOsCommunity Based Organizations
CDFConstituency Development Fund
CfBTCentre for British Teachers
COTPCommunity Organization Training Programmer
DFIDDepartment for International Development
GDPGross Domestic Product
GOKGovernment of Kenya
IDSInstitute of development studies

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