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Research Paper
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The Impact of Social Media and Music on Our Society (Research Paper Sample)


1. Purposes and Rationale of the Proposed Group
What are the purposes, goals, and objectives of your group? (remember, goals are general, and objectives should be specific and measurable) How is the group relevant to your agency setting and the client needs that will be met through the group? What is your rationale for this particular type of group? (or what steps will you take to determine if the need exists for this group) Why would an agency want to support this group, or why would a funding body want to support it financially?
2. Proposed Contract [with the Social Agency, Charitable Foundation, or Government Sponsor]A contract is an exchange of mutual promises. Use this section to describe what you (the proposer) are promising to the agency/foundation/sponsor (the proposee), and what are you asking it to provide in return. Describe your plans in a manner that reassures the agency that this proposal is likely to be carried out in an effective and ethical manner. Demonstrate that you are competent to lead this group, so the proposed sponsor is more likely to agree to your proposal. Discuss how you would involve colleagues and mobilize needed support. Describe any issues (such as confidentiality) that must be negotiated and worked out ahead of time with staff members. (Must be within Florida (South))
3. Group Composition and Diversity
Who are the prospective group members? What is your rationale for selecting this target population? How will members be attracted, recruited, or selected? Will you conduct screening, and if so, how? Identify criteria to distinguish appropriate from inappropriate candidates for the group. How will specific diversity and social location issues be considered (e.g., if you are developing a group for Haitian American clients, how will the facilitators take their culture into account; how will you address any concerns about discrimination, equity, or stereotypes)?
4. Group Timeframe and Location
When, how long, and for how many sessions will your group meet? Where will the group be held? Provide your rationale for these decisions.
5. Group Structure/Type
What is the proposed the structure and type of group? What group norms will you try to foster? How will you be using technology, if any, to facilitate or supplement group processes (e.g., videoconferencing, online discussions, online social networking, electronic record keeping, apps, avatars)? Provide your rationale for these decisions.
6. Group Leadership [or Facilitation]
Do you plan to lead or facilitate this group alone or with someone else? Discuss what you believe your primary functions, tasks, and roles should be. What theories will guide how you facilitate the group? (e.g., behavioral, cognitive, developmental, analytic, narrative, structural, ecological, or existential theories). How does your theoretical orientation fit with the purposes of the group? If there will be a co-facilitator, analyze issues associated with this.
7. Clinical Model of Intervention
Describe your overall clinical model of intervention, including what research and theory you are using to inform your choice of interventions. Provide a brief outline of the content and process of each session (or at least the first 4 sessions if you are proposing a group that will extend beyond 4 sessions). Consider, what pre-group processes (if any) will you use, and why? How do you plan to orient members to the purpose of the group? How do you plan to address members’ anxieties (if any) about starting the group? How will group norms and your role be explained? How do you plan to begin to establish a sense of “we-ness”? Although you are free to use small group exercises that have been described and researched.
8. Potential Obstacles (or Challenges) and Ethical Issues
What are possible obstacles (other than those discussed in the second section) to either convening the group or assisting the group in achieving its goals? What ethical issues need to be considered? Refer to specific sections of the NASW Code of Ethics – available How do you plan to deal with or prevent such obstacles and ethical issues?
9. Evaluation of Group Outcomes
Briefly identify and discuss an evaluation strategy that would help you determine and demonstrate the effectiveness of your group (link your evaluation plan to the goals and objectives you listed earlier; ensure the data gathering plans are feasible, valid, and reliable, relating your measures to you how have defined success earlier in your proposal).
10. Micro-Mezzo-Macro Considerations from Generalist Intervention Model
Describe how issues from various systems levels affect and are affected by the presenting problems that are the focus of this group intervention (e.g., individual challenges and strengths, family dysfunction, lack of resources, human rights, and economic, environmental, and social justice issues). Describe any laws or agency policies that relate to the group which you are proposing. In addition, describe how interventions other than group work could be used to complement what you are trying to achieve in the proposed group.
11. Budget
Develop a budget that identifies the primary expenses for running and operating the group, as well as the source(s) of funding to cover the costs of the group. The budget should be clear, specific, and feasible.
12. References
List 3 scholarly references that you have read and used to help you write this proposal (textbooks and, or journal articles – do not rely on information from the web unless it is from a scholarly, peer-reviewed, or otherwise scientifically reliable source). Only include references that you have cited in the main text of your proposal.
For APA formatting help, see the link at Remember to cite the NASW Code of Ethics.


The impact of Social Media and Music on our Society
Students Name
The impact of Social Media and Music has on our Society
Purposes and Rationale of the Proposed Group
The influence of social media in adolescents has significant involvement in their relationships, behaviors, and even health. The group's purpose will enable young teenagers to learn how to embrace social media ardently because it portrays their space as more perceivable to them than the older generation. The group's goal will be to handle the influence and significance of social media among themselves, especially on the way they utilize social media and its outcome on their conduct. Objectives of the intervention include
* To discover how adolescents utilize social media daily.
* To discover if the adolescents would instead utilize social media for connecting rather than traditional medium.
* To discern the influence that social media has on behavior variations among adolescents.
* To identify the dangers that come with social media on adolescents.
Proposed Contract [with the Social Agency, Charitable Foundation, or Government Sponsor]
The agency will provide us with materials that help facilitate the study among the adolescents, such as the room to promote the training and research and reading manuals that teach on positive uses of social media. The agency will gain enhanced community outreach in Florida South, as the group will teach on better use of social media instead of using social media for unwarranted content such as pornography. The agency will also gain data on adolescent use of social media, the influence on adolescents, and the dangers of social media to adolescents (Harden et al., 2015). The group will also aid the agency in coming up with interventions that will help the youth use social media better, such as critical consumption, which will assist the people in knowing how to examine information on social media before deciding on whether to consume 

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