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Policy Actions for Better and Faster Transfer to Promote EVs (Research Paper Sample)


The task was to explore policy actions for better and faster transfer to EVs. I was to investigate how the adoption of new energy vehicles and the policy transfer to promote EVs intersects with climate change, mainly judging from the threatened short-term sustainability and protectionist barriers. I was to consider trends form the leading countries including China and the US.


Policy Futures: Theories and Concepts in International Policy Making
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Policy Futures: Theories and Concepts in International Policy Making
A new policymaking process commences with the emergence or knowledge of a problem. The threats of climate change are the basis of the aggressive shift to EVs. In addition, other technical issues warrant a policy refocus or reinventing. Policymakers must be prepared to consider multiple dimensions and cater to emerging and unforeseen elements. It is also essential to balance long-term benefits and current shortcomings. Policy implementers face the challenge of convincing vital players that the outcomes of a significant project warrant short-term challenges and inconvenience. This essay will focus on the threatened short-term sustainability and protectionist barriers. Foundational infrastructures inform the financial and economic constraints facing EVs. There are also divided cultural interests and priorities, where sections of society advocate for affordability and protection of jobs. China and the US acknowledge the threatened short-term sustainability and protectionist barriers that limit policy transfer to promote EVs. The two countries are cognizant of the significant technical obstacles to be solved to realize the essential benefits of EVs. As such, numerous policy actions are in place to ensure better and faster policy transfer to promote EVs. The adoption of new energy vehicles and the policy transfer to promote EVs supersedes the need and the advantage of responding to climate change, mainly judging from the threatened short-term sustainability and protectionist barriers.
Defining the Policy Issue and Countries of Focus
The shift to green energy and adopting favorable environmental protection strategies and policies has been a significant conversation over the past few decades. The realities of a threatened environment are relatable to every person, organization, and government globally. Therefore, it has been appropriate to consider shared interventions especially given that everyone has contributed to pollution and related environmental damages, directly or indirectly. This essay narrows down to adopting new energy vehicles and associated policy frameworks. Then, it delves into the issues that can arise, primarily conflicting interests and limited capacity to achieve the needed transformation. Ultimately, the policy issues are threatened by short-term sustainability and protectionist barriers to policy transfer to promote electric vehicles (EVs). To better contextualize this problem, two countries are selected to provide an analytical and comparative perspective regarding the issues of sustainability and protectionism. The countries are China and the United States. 
The fundamental basis for choosing China and the United States is their reputation as leading EV markets (Hertzke et al., 2017). The domination of the two countries concerning electric vehicle technology covers multiple elements, including the highest combined and individual capacities to produce new energy vehicles, larger and readier markets for the latest technologies, and proven domination in reinventing the transportation industry presently and in the future. In addition, some unique aspects make the US and China stand out. Bother have unique cultural and sociopolitical identities that are the basis of the issue of protectionism. For instance, Chinese society embraces group or collective approaches. This differs from the Americans deemed individualistic (Felbermayr et al., 2017). However, the competing attributes are a basis for the limited sharing of ideas and production tools, which is a fundamental element of protectionism. Additionally, China is a highly hierarchical culture and socioeconomic system. A few individuals have massive power to influence key policy actions (Tan, 2020). Again, this is different from the Americans, especially with the greater autonomy of the private sector. Another notable difference informs the comparative perspective between the US and China regarding the existing workforce and labor laws. China boasts a massive supply of competent and affordable workforce compared to the US (Tang & Zhang, 2019). While the US has an advantage regarding specialization, it is interesting to discover how political, economic, and sociocultural differences affect attitudes to and policy perspectives on new energy vehicles.  
Regarding financial investments, China has been making significant financial and fiscal initiatives to accelerate 

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