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Coastal Management and Climate Change in the UAE Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


Coastal Management and Climate Change in the United Arab emirates.


Coastal Management and Climate Change in the UAE
Fieldwork and Geographic Context
Introduction to the Fieldwork
Fieldwork is the collection of data outside a laboratory, workplace, or library. Most researchers access data through books, experiments, or experts in a related subject. Fieldwork, however, involves the utilization of curiosity and individual judgment through observation, interaction, and assessment of the phenomenon. The data collection methods vary depending on the category of information needed. For instance, biologists interested in animal behavior visit national parks and reserves and observe the animals in their natural state, then record findings; social scientists, on the other hand, may interview people from different locations and tribes of integrating with different cultures to gather information. Data collection methods in the field can include informal or formal interviews, direct observations, discussions with experts, participation, encountering different cultures, or excavating existing materials for testing.
The quality of data collected varies depending on the field worker. Experience is vital in ensuring that mistakes are avoided. The success of fieldwork depends on the researcher's curiosity and zeal to gather more data ("Ethnographic fieldwork" 152). For instance, anthropologists curious about discovering more fossils will continue testing for samples and species to excavate. However, when human beings are subject during a study, there are protocols to follow, which reduce the acquisition of theoretical explanations when dealing with cultural practices ("Ethnographic fieldwork" 152). Collection of data in the field should involve the keeping of an ethnographic record like notes. The writings can either be the use of keywords and phrases, comprehensive description of findings, ideas, and issues arising from the research, and personal reactions like impressed or frustrated. Most of the data is qualitative, with the analysis methods used being thematic or narrative.

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