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Trigger Warnings by Lecturers and Teachers Across American Schools (Research Paper Sample)


This is argumentative research that opposes trigger warnings by lecturers and teachers across American schools. It pits two scholars and their views on trigger warnings against each other and ultimately affirms the negative impact of trigger warnings.


Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Why Trigger Warnings may be Unfit for College Education
Contemporary culture has demonstrated a great inclination towards inclusivity, political correctness, and even emotional intelligence. Gone are the days when potentially polarising views and doctrines would get a pass without a keen societal check. In the literary scene, trigger warnings are among the boldest embodiments of this culture. Trigger warnings are cautions or disclaimers given by professors or lecturers in anticipation of potentially upsetting content. Like any other facet of modern culture in the technological era, it has seen critics drawing swords and proponents embracing it in equal measure. This essay focuses on two contrasting literary pieces. Professor Richard McNally affirms how trigger warnings are against the basic tenets of higher education. However, professor Elana Newman insists that trigger warnings are the right and ethical way to go. The question then remains, why do institutions of higher learning even need trigger warnings? For an optimal and wholesome effective learning experience at the college level, trigger warnings must therefore be phased out gradually, or at the very least, be regulated.
One of the most significant issues with content warning is its utter contradictions with the basic tenets of higher education. To be ready to explore adult learning, they are willing to have their views challenged. Higher education calls for a broader mindset and an unwavering desire to be tested. Content warnings, by their very nature, seek to undo this. How do trigger warnings undo the potency of higher education? For starters, they put a student in a comfort zone. It might be the way for students taking technical courses or subjects, and a lecturer wishes to introduce an unconventional topic. However, for professors and students in the creative realm, trigger warnings severely harm their progress. How is a student supposed to be challenged to think critically about a specific subject when put in a creative comfort zone? Trigger warnings are, therefore,

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