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Describe Cyberbulling and forms of cyberbullying (Research Paper Sample)

this task was about cyberbulling which is Cyber bulling is a form of harassing a person(victim), by using electronic devices such as phones, laptops, computers, in order to a threaten or humiliate a person. it also talks about forms of cyberbullying which includes: Cat Fishing This is manipulating one’s emotion for a malicious reason. Fake profiles This is a form of cyber bullying that involve creating a profile not belonging to you and making it your own in order to publish fake content, threaten an individual, or ask for personal favors such as borrowing money from friends and families who thinks its your identity Stalking It involves following and keenly observing a person closely either physically or through the internet. Cyber stalking is serious and considered dangerous for the victim’s loved ones including their selves this task's last part was conclusion which states that cyberbullying is a criminal offence and a victim can file for an injunction against the offender. The offender will face the law by; jail time or probation. It is proven that cyber bullying causes depression and trauma and the victim may end up committing suicide. source..
Students Name Professor’s name Course Date Cyber Bullying Introduction Cyber bulling is a form of harassing a person(victim), by using electronic devices such as phones, laptops, computers, in order to a threaten or humiliate a person. It has taken major forms in the society leaving one feeling embarrassed, humiliated, stigmatized and depressed, and at the end the individual commits suicide. Forms of cyber bullying Cat Fishing This is manipulating one’s emotion for a malicious reason. This form of cyber bullying occurs when one creates a fake online profile to lure the victim into a romantic relationship in order to gain the victim’s trust. The main intentions of a cat fisher are to destroy the reputation of the victim or ask for money or a particular interest (Maftei and Măirean 138). Fake profiles This is a form of cyber bullying that involve creating a profile not belonging to you and making it your own in order to publish fake content, threaten an individual, or ask for personal favors such as borrowing money from friends and families who thinks its your identity. (Rudnicki et al 535) Stalking It involves following and keenly observing a person closely either physically or through the internet. Cyber stalking is serious and considered dangerous for the victim’s loved ones including their selves (Saif and Purbasha 39) Conclusion Cyber bullying is a criminal offence and a victim can file for an injunction against the offender. The offender will face the law by; jail time or probation. It is proven that cyber bullying causes depression and trauma and the victim may...
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