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Examining the Relationship between Teamwork Effectiveness and Organizational Performance: A case study of Forthvalley Hospital Larbert Scotland (Research Proposal Sample)
writing a research propossal on the given topic with a specific perspective of forthvalley hospital. the proposal was to have a detailed analysis on existing research on the topic and why the topic is of importance for research. the objective establsihed in the study include: identification of the factors associated with teamwork performance, idenitification of the negative and positive impacts of teamwork on organizational performance, examination of impact of teamwork on employees and identification of the relationship between the two variables. source..
Examining the Relationship between Teamwork Effectiveness and Organizational Performance: A case study of Forthvalley Hospital Larbert Scotland
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Table of Contents
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1)Introduction PAGEREF _Toc121487507 \h 2
2)Aim and Objectives PAGEREF _Toc121487508 \h 3
3)Key Literature PAGEREF _Toc121487509 \h 5
3.1 Teamwork Effectiveness and Aspects that enhance it PAGEREF _Toc121487510 \h 5
3.2 Effects of teamwork on organizational success PAGEREF _Toc121487511 \h 7
3.3 Relationship between teamwork and Organizational success PAGEREF _Toc121487512 \h 8
3.4 Interventions for Improving Teamwork and its Effectiveness PAGEREF _Toc121487513 \h 9
3.5 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc121487514 \h 10
4)Research Methodology PAGEREF _Toc121487515 \h 11
4.1 Research Approach and Philosophy PAGEREF _Toc121487516 \h 11
4.2 Research Design PAGEREF _Toc121487517 \h 12
4.3 Research Ethics PAGEREF _Toc121487518 \h 13
5)Research Plan PAGEREF _Toc121487519 \h 14
6)References PAGEREF _Toc121487520 \h 15
1 Introduction
The success of any organization and critical and hence, appropriate structures are always laid out to ensure sustainability and constant improvement. In as much as, the products and output of an organization determine its success, the internal scope also significantly affects the success. Saadat and Saadat (2016) highlight that effective human resources management (HRM) and intervention significantly aid in organizational success. The human resource (HR) factor in organization largely depends on the interaction of employees within the organization, and the satisfaction of the employees within the organization (Nafei, 2016). Largely, it is the feelings, attitudes and efforts of workers within the organization. Hanaysha (2016) establishes that teamwork employee empowerment and training aid in boosting organizational commitment which further increases organizational success. The factors contributing to organizational success are dynamic especially for complex institutions. One such an institution is that of healthcare. Rosen et al. (2019) indicate that very few industries match the scale of healthcare in terms of complexity and diversity. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of internal organization in the healthcare industry may give required knowledge and understanding of the underlying concepts.
There are various factors that contribute to the complexity of the healthcare industry. Rosen et al. (2016) highlight that 85% of the US population, has a health encounter yearly, and a quarter of that number has at least 4 to 9 encounters. Furthermore, in order to cater for a single patient, different departments have to collaborate including clinicians, healthcare workers (HCWs), the administration and even the patient’s loved ones (Mitchell et al., 2012). For proper collaboration between the different staff in healthcare teamwork and effective communication is integral as it influences the quality of care given (Lyu et al., 2016). Furthermore, Rosen et al. (2016) provide that preventable patient harm occurs in the US healthcare with an excess of 250000deaths yearly, which are part of the complex interactions in the care delivery system. Understandably, healthcare is multifaceted and hence the different staff need to work together efficiently.
The relationship between how staff work together in an organization and the organizational success needs to be conducted in a complex setting for dynamic results. This paper seeks to explore the relationship between effective teamwork and organizational performance. Driskell et al. (2018) define teamwork as the process of collaboratively working together with a group of people to achieve a defined goal. Rydenfalt (2018) in a study further acknowledges that different HCWs have varied conceptualization of teamwork which affects their approach to it. Therefore, people view teamwork differently and can integrate it differently. Thus, it is important to explore the approaches to teamwork that are effective and result to positive organizational performance. This study takes into consideration the happenings at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert, UK. The hospital offers a complex environment as it is modern, well-equipped and with a huge workforce. The hospital has different departments where the members work collaboratively to deliver care to patients. This paper will focus on the healthcare team in the general unit, who collaboratively work together to handle incoming patients. The organizational success will be determined by measurement of the HCWs’ motivation, trust among the HCWs in the department, and the patient-related feedback. Generally, the research and generated data will aid in determining relation of effective teamwork and its effects on the employees in terms of motivation, trust and patients’ feedback.
2 Aim and Objectives
The overall aim of this study is to examine the relationship between effective teamwork and organizational performance, especially in the healthcare setting taking up the Forth Valley Royal Hospital as a case study.
The following objective will help in the achievement of the following aims:
1 To identify the different factors associated with the effectiveness of teamwork.
2 To identify some of the positive and negative impacts that teamwork has on organizational performance.
3 To highlight some of the impacts of teamwork specifically on the employees.
4 To highlight the relationship between the variable of teamwork and organizational performance.
5 To recommend efficient teamwork practices to the Forth Valley Royal Hospital that will improve the general organizational performance.
The first and second objective shall be achieved through a critical literature review which will then form the contextual basis of the study and establish a basis for the research questions. The literature review shall integrate scholarly peer-reviewed articles, journal articles and even books. It will also integrate publications from reputable media outlets and that provide a picture on the current situation in different parts of the world. The third and fourth objectives will integrate both a critical literature review and administration of questionnaires and conduction of interviews among the nurses in the hospital. The questions in the interviews and questionnaires will be derived from the research questions established from the literature review. The fifth objective will be based on the findings of the literature review and the primary research will also provide basis for the recommendations to be made. Conclusion will be based on existing knowledge and evidence giving specific approaches that may help the hospital in particular.
Generally, the objectives provide a guide providing a logical flow and structure for the dissertation. There will also be the provision of a theoretical background that will give an understanding of existing knowledge gaps and the new knowledge from primary research will be put into context.
3 Key Literature
This chapter will integrate the findings of initial literature reviews conducted and a detailed discussion will be presented. The first part will involve an analysis of what is meant by effective teamwork and explore factors that might make teamwork more effective, with a bias to the healthcare sector. The analysis will then highlight the positive and negative aspects of teamwork and their impact on organizational success. The next part will focus on the impact teamwork has on the employees of an organization, besides the larger prospect of organizational success. The last part will then identify a correlation based on findings of the relationship between effective teamwork and organizational success.
3.1 Teamwork Effectiveness and Aspects that enhance it
The multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach in the healthcare sector necessitates the need for proper teamwork among the members. In the modern healthcare setting, effective teamwork and communication are crucial in ensuring safe and efficient patient care (Weller et al., 2014). Essentially, it means that with effective teamwork and communication, there will be fewer chances and cases of unintended patient harm that has been occurring frequently. However, there are various questions and concerns on what is meant by effective teamwork. Rydenfalt et al. (2018) highlight that various HCWs have different conceptualizations of teamwork and different understanding of what good teamwork means. It was an understanding of most of the HCWs that for proper teamwork, different roles need to collaborate and complement each other. Half of the doctors in the study highlighted that the HCWs in a team needed to work together with a shared goal while the half stated that the needs of the patients gave the job a common direction, to be shared within the team. Rydenfalt and colleagues (2018) further highlighted opinions from different doctors on what it takes to achieve good teamwork. Most of the doctors opined that good communication skills and good leadership are integral in making good teamwork. It is therefore clear that doctors have different understanding of teamwork alongside its fundamentals, which affects their integration of its different aspects.
It is understandable that different HCWs may have a different perspective of teamwork. However, Schmutz et al. (2019) opine that teamwork relates to the overall performance of an organization despite the team characteristics and tasks. Therefore, the main goal of organizations should be to recognize the value teamwork has and how it can be maintained and improved for the benefits of patients. Teamwork among HCWs has proven to be effective in caring for patients with chronic and long-term conditions like cancer (Rosen et al., 2018). Soukup et al. (2018) further highlight ways in which multidisciplinary cancer teams (MDTs) can be mad...
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