Underrepresentation of Minority women in NCAA Leadership Research (Research Proposal Sample)
the research focused on creating an understanding on why women have been underrepresented in NCAA and leadership and sports management in general.
Underrepresentation of Minority women in NCAA Leadership
Underrepresentation of Minority women in NCAA Leadership
Women participation in the sporting filed has increased over the last decade. Currently, women have taken up many sporting activities that were hitherto, a preserve of men. Games such as football, marathon, golf, baseball, basketball, and other games are currently played by many women (Adriaanse & Schofield, 2013). In addition, women continue to show excellence within the different sporting areas that they participate in. Despite the increased women participation within sports, there is a limitation in the representation of women within the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a non-profit making organization that is concerned with the development and regulation of students’ sporting activities and presides over 1,268 institutions and other conferences which are found within North America (Harris, Grappendorf, Aicher & Veraldo, 2015). The NCAA is also concerned with the organizing of sporting activities within the US-based institutions and Canada. Every year, the NCAA helps an average of 480,000 students in various universities to take part in different athletic activities and sporting campaigns (Carter & Hart, 2010). Currently, the headquarters of NCAA is in Indianapolis in Indiana.
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