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Research Proposal
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Perceptions and Reality: Pandora's Box (Research Proposal Sample)
Address the following items:
Provide a preliminary thesis or research question.
Describe your research plan.
Where might you look for secondary research to support your thesis? Where might you find media support for your thesis?
What specific search terms will you be using?
Describe your preliminary results of a database query for your search terms.
Pandora’s Box: Perceptions and Reality – Research Proposal
The proposed research majors on Pandora’s Box, which is an artifact in Greek mythology adopted from the society’s belief about creation to explain the origin of certain phenomena in the society. Essentially, this paper is based on the motives of the actions and ultimately the consequences of Pandora, the first woman, who was granted a pithos (a large jar) which she opened releasing all its contents (evils) except hope. Scholars believe that the myth holds as a testimony to the role of human curiosity and creativity. More aptly, that curiosity asks questions, but creativity finds answers to them (Myths and Legends n.p).
The proposed research paper seeks to examine the myth in detail and espouse the correlation between perceptions and reality in the practice of this Greek mythology. In this endeavor, the research will seek to answer questions such as:
* What are the philosophical foundations of the myth?
* What are some of the alternative perceptions of the myth?
* Do the prescriptions of the myth satisfactorily fit the contemporary society and how?
To achieve its objectives, a qualitative research method will be employed encompassing a sequential investigation into the philosophical foundations of the myth. This decision is informed by the fact that qualitative methods give the best outcomes in instances where a research objective entails understanding a phenomenon, case behavior or situation (Adu n.p). A stratified sampling technique will be used to guide the selection of the most relevant materials for review. The research will rely on an extensive online search of relevant databases such as Gale Group, THEO, Fact Monster, Echo and Google Scholar. The key search terms include Pandora, Pandora’s Box, Zeus, Greek Mythology and Hephaestus. A preliminary search is expected to yield over 3000 materials for review. However, the use of more specific terms in line with the research questions and objectives will reduce the sources...
Pandora’s Box: Perceptions and Reality – Research Proposal
The proposed research majors on Pandora’s Box, which is an artifact in Greek mythology adopted from the society’s belief about creation to explain the origin of certain phenomena in the society. Essentially, this paper is based on the motives of the actions and ultimately the consequences of Pandora, the first woman, who was granted a pithos (a large jar) which she opened releasing all its contents (evils) except hope. Scholars believe that the myth holds as a testimony to the role of human curiosity and creativity. More aptly, that curiosity asks questions, but creativity finds answers to them (Myths and Legends n.p).
The proposed research paper seeks to examine the myth in detail and espouse the correlation between perceptions and reality in the practice of this Greek mythology. In this endeavor, the research will seek to answer questions such as:
* What are the philosophical foundations of the myth?
* What are some of the alternative perceptions of the myth?
* Do the prescriptions of the myth satisfactorily fit the contemporary society and how?
To achieve its objectives, a qualitative research method will be employed encompassing a sequential investigation into the philosophical foundations of the myth. This decision is informed by the fact that qualitative methods give the best outcomes in instances where a research objective entails understanding a phenomenon, case behavior or situation (Adu n.p). A stratified sampling technique will be used to guide the selection of the most relevant materials for review. The research will rely on an extensive online search of relevant databases such as Gale Group, THEO, Fact Monster, Echo and Google Scholar. The key search terms include Pandora, Pandora’s Box, Zeus, Greek Mythology and Hephaestus. A preliminary search is expected to yield over 3000 materials for review. However, the use of more specific terms in line with the research questions and objectives will reduce the sources...
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