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Strategic Planning Process in Big Town (Research Proposal Sample)



Strategic Planning Process in Big Town
Conditions Affecting the Timing of the Strategic Planning Process
The field of strategic planning in the nonprofit sector has undergone significant change in recent times. The sector has advanced in many ways, with a higher public contour and keen attention to issues of organization performance and accountability (Jude & Allison 5). In the case study of Big Town, capacity building is an aspect that affects the timing of the strategic planning procedure. This is because the town residents would want to feel part and ownership of the development endeavors that affect them. In this regard, the Historic West Side is mandated to educate the people about how the funds would be utilized and assure them of transparency and accountability.
Owing to the fact that strategic planning and valued by funders and nonprofit organizations alike, another factor that would determine the timing of the procedure would be forecast and research efforts to ensure that the money is maximized to give the best outcomes. In this case, the organization would consider cost control measures, revenue generation activities and risk management, which would ensure that the funds are optimized for the good of the entire community in Big Town.
Stakeholder Involvement
The individuals affected by or those who influence the outcome of a project are referred to as stakeholders. These people shape the project at the preliminary stages because they ensure that the resources are available and provide insight that pertains to the possible response to a project’s outcome (Jude & Allison 8). This input from the various stakeholders would help inform the decision of the facilitators, which would probably lead to adjustments to win managerial support. Another benefit of stakeholder engagement in the planning process is to reduce distrust of the project outcome and to increase commitment to the procedure and objectives.
In the case of Big Town, the key stakeholders that should have a voice in the strategic planning process are the town residence and The Historic West Side development corporation. The town residents will be directly affected by the decisions made by the local authority and the nonprofit organization. However, the budgetary allocation will be made by the two stakeholders will determine the development activities that will be done in the township. Secondly, the development corporation is a key stakeholder that should have a voice in the strategic planning process because they provide the funds to the town, as such, they should be involved to ensure that the funds are used in the best way.
How NextGen can Foster the Participation of the Polarized Groups in the Planning Process
An effective strategic planning process should ensure that all the stakeholders, both the direct and the indirect actors. This practice is significant because every affected individual can input positively into a project and should be given the chance to have a voice in any development plans. In the case of Big Town, the polarized group should be incorporated in the planning process because projects thereof would have a significant impact on their livelihood. In the case of Big Town, NextGen could foster the engagement of the marginalized group through involving them in the decision-making process. For instance, the NextGen consultancy firm could issue questionnaires in the regions to obtain input on how the funds could be utilized to develop their areas.
Goals of the Strategic Planning Process
The primary goal of the strategic planning process of Big Town is to make explicit the goals that had been determined in the previous planning process. The core values of the previous Big Town planning process are to be affirmed in the new strategic planning process. NextGen Consulting aims while developing a strategic planning process focus on determining the vision of the community and how this vision can be achieved. Through the strategic planning process Next Gen consulting aims at determining the services, HWS can offer to the community to meet and solve their current issues. The next goal would determine what changes can be made to the recent activities such as fund distribution by the HWS that can help transform the community for the better.
Through the end of the process, the immediate outcomes or goals will include the active involvement of the entire community of Big Town. The process will eliminate any discrimination that exists, and the polarized individuals that are excluded from the town’s economic development will have a platform to be heard. Diversity reflection is another goal that will be an immediate outcome where the strategic planning process will highlight the diverse population of the town and whether every person is benefiting from HWS (Brun 38).
The strategic planning process will also help in building the external and internal commitment to HWS and its strategies through the increase of sense of ownership by every person that will have contributed in the process. The HWS project objectives will be added to bridge the gap and ensure that equality is achieved. This process will help gain a broader scope of data from which HWS can use to ensure proper usage and distribution of funds.
Strategic Phases in the Proposed Process
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