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Architecture work Engineering Term Paper Research Essay (Term Paper Sample)


architecture work and design


1a) Describe the review stage of strategic planning including two examples of activity undertaken, and two examples of tools/techniques utilized.
This is fourth stage of strategic planning and it involves reinstating the plan again after seeing its impact. This stage starts the cycle over again, allowing the plan to be continuously updated. This helps in keeping it current and meaningful to the organization. During this phase the organization undertakes different activities such as
• conducting an assessments of its performance by gathering and analyzing information;
• convening the planning group to review performance and reassess goals, outcomes, strategies, and action steps and to make recommendations for changes; and
• revising the plan.
Some of the most used techniques in this stage include the Ansoff’s Growth Vector Matrix, PEST Analysis, Porter’s Five Competitive Forces, and SWOT Analysis. These techniques are used to determine the progressive or the adaptability of the plan in an organization.
1b) what key question is asked by each of the four elements of an information strategy, and how might these apply to an online business process
There are four elements of information technology with each focusing on a particular theme. To determine the questions asked by the four elements of information technology, it is important to look at each of the four elements separately.
* Information system strategy. This element looks more into “what” makes up the information technology. Some of the main concerns of this element include the following: Ensuring that IS development is in tune with organizational needs and hence with identifying and prioritizing applications for development. This requires a focus on business and process models, data definitions, information architectures, and user needs. It is therefore concerned with the question: what applications set is required to meet business objectives. Business modelling tools have two key roles to play in facilitating the IS strategy:
* They allow the development teams to visualize business processes in a way that allows users, analysts and programmers to interact with a common and accessible representation of what an application is required to deliver

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