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Work place Violence (Term Paper Sample)

This task is about the work place violence in the health care industry. Workplace violence is the most crucial issue. This paper has presented the workplace violence and ethical dimensions which demonstrates the internal and external factors which influence the workplace violence. In second point relevance of the workplace violence to Nursing. There are also analysis of relevant ethical principles, theories, laws and standards of practices. At the end the personal and professional responses to the issue has been analysed in order to draw a concrete conclusion. source..
Work place Violence Introduction: Workplace violence is a very important social issue because it has a large negative effect on victims. Workplace violence is the act or threat of violence, ranging from verbal abuse to physical assault directed toward any employee on duty (Somani et al. 2021). Violence against nurses in their workplace is a major global problem that has received increased attention in recent years. Approximately 25% of nurses report being physically assaulted by a patient or family member, while over 50% reported exposure to verbal abuse of bullying (Al-Qadi, 2021). These nurses who are responsible for providing lifesaving health care to patients are victimized at a significantly higher rate than other healthcare providers. It is estimated that workplace violence causes 17.2 % of nurses to leave their job every year. Present paper will try to analyse the workplace violence in nursing context. Workplace violence and ethical dimensions: Workplace violence monitoring has ethical dimensions such as invasion of privacy of employees. These are some of the crucial aspects to consider as this leads to the legal issues and other aspects. Ethical dimensions are very important for all the employees to be able to safeguard one's dignity. Workplace violence occurs due to personal reasons among employees (Pariona‐Cabrera, Cavanagh & Bartram, 2020). The ethical aspects should be carefully considered so as to make sure there are legal issues. Legal issues which may affect the reputation of the company and the reputation may even have a domino effect on sales. Workplace violence occurs in all workplaces and the healthcare industry is one of them as healthcare involves humans and their life and health. It may be very common. The violence which occurs may be through internal or external actors. External actors perpetrate such violence when their interests are hampered or they have some underlying benefit. This is very crucial for understanding and mitigating (Jang, Son & Lee, 2022). The security systems contribute to the protection of the employees or the employers. Another major violence which occurs in the workplace is through internal actors. This may arise due to a toxic environment which leads to Anger among employees (Liu et al. 2019). Most companies have violence monitoring mechanism to understand the causes, the risk of violence arising and also try to mitigate the same. Even at a hospital there may be violence especially in cases where there is death or any other mishap. This is because the family of the patients may be having a distressed feeling. These along with consistency, impartiality, civil rights, informed consent. These are some of the ethical aspects to consider while having to monitor employees. Orgnisational rules and regulations in terms health safety practices play the crucial role in maintaining the ethical standards in the organisations and it helps to minimise workplace violence. Relevance of the workplace violence to Nursing: Workplace violence is the most significant issue in Nursing as they work in the high stress environments and they have to deal with the patients. The workplace violence in nursing can take several forms and it includes verbal abuse, physical assault and harassment. Hence, ethical dimensions in nursing are highly important to consider. The workplace violence can be resulted in physical injuries, long term health effects and trauma. This type of violence if it happens in the parameters of the hospital the nurses or the other employees can be protected if not it cannot be (Babiarczyk et al.2020). The second type of violence which occurs at a hospital are CLIENT-ON-WORKER VIOLENCE. This type of violence is committed by the patients, family or friends of the patients. This may be due to emotional damage or fear. This is a very common type of violence at hospitals. It is most likely to occur at psychiatric treatment settings, waiting rooms, and geriatric settings. But these may occur elsewhere too in a hospital setting. The type two issues require proper security in place to ensure the safety of the health care workers such as nurses and doctors (Song, Wang & Wu, 2021). The third type of violence is the Worker-on-worker Or lateral or horizontal violence (Somani et al. 2021). This is quite common in work places. This occurs mostly between lower food chain people. This means between supervisor and supervisee Or doctor and patient. When peers humiliate, insult each other such violence may be common. Type four may be due to personal reasons. There may be physical or mental stress among employees who may have a relationship beyond the workplace. Analysis of Relevant Ethical Principles, Theories, Laws, and Standards of Practice: Ethical principles: Non-maleficence principle helps to state that healthcare providers must not provide harm to its colleague or patients. Workplace violence is the violation of this principle through causing physical and emotional harm to the nurses and health workers. Benficence is another principle which states that the healthcare professionals have the duty in promoting the wellbeing of the patients or colleague (Nowrouzi-Kia et al. 2019). Respect for the anatomy is another principle which denotes that colleagues and patients have the right in making decisions about workplace environment and own care. Ethical theories: The utilitarianism theory demonstrates that actions should be evaluative based on the overall consequences. It is necessary to prevent the work place violence in order to provide the benefit not only to the nurses but the patients, society and health care organizations also. Theory of deontology suggests the importance of following the moral principles, rules. The virtue of ethics theory demonstrates that developing the virtues can help to promote culture of respect, and maintain health and safety to the healthcare providers (Lu et al. 2019). Laws: The occupational safety and health act requires the employers have to provide the safe work environment for their employees and to prevent the work place violence. The Americans with the disability act demonstrates that employers have to provide reasonable accommodation and work environment to its employees and it can help to prevent the work place violence. Standard of practice: The joint commission’s Hospital Accreditation standards require the healthcare providing organizations must have the policies and procedures in place in preventing workplace violence and to train the employees how to respond the workplace violence (Babiarczyk et al.2020). The code of ethics for the nurses ensures that the importance of promoting the culture of ethics in the healthcare organizations which can help to provide respect and safety in the workplace. It is the most crucial code which promoting health and safety for the nurses. The American Association Nursing code emphasizes on scope of the standard of practice which helps to ensure the importance of the maintaining and creating a healthy and safe work environment for the colleagues and nurses. Personal and professional response to the issue: Workplace violence is the most serious issue that affects the safety and wellbeing of the nurses and patients. Prevention is the first step and this helps to prevent the violence at the beginning. Identification and addressing risk factors can help to minimise the risk of workplace violence. Installation of the CCTV and proper check up will help to monitor the issue. Then the cause of the violence should be investigated. This helps to understand the problem at hand. The investigation can involve third parties if the violence is perpetrated by a third party or an internal examination to understand the problem is crucial. The parties involved in the conflict may be interviewed for the same (Nowrouzi-Kia et al. 2019). Their phone calls, emails or location at the time of violence may be investigated for clarity. The policies regarding the same may help to resolve issues. If it was an internal violence such as one among the peer to peer then they both may be advised according to the guidelines of the hospital. The patient to worker violence may require investigation of why it occurred. If the fault lies in the hands of the nurse he or she may be warned regarding the same if it was intentional. Otherwise she or he would be guided regarding the same . At times apologies may be given to the patients. If there is a personal issue then the employees may be given counseling to mitigate violence in the future. Reporting is also necessary and in right time. Nurses should be trained and encouraged to understand the reporting procedure of...
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