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Google: Strategic Analysis (Term Paper Sample)

After cementing its place in the search engine business, Google started diversification of its business. Currently, the company has too many business portfolios like Android operating systems, mobile phones, driverless cars, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, etc. Google joined the list of the top 100 corporations in the world in 2005. source..
Google: Strategic Analysis Author’s Name Department/University Course number Course name Instructor’s Name Google: Strategic Analysis Company Overview Google was established in 1997 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Hall et al., 2023). It is currently one of the most well-known IT companies in the world. Although Yahoo like companies were the major players in the search engine business in the past, the arrival of Google caused big challenges to those companies. Now, Google has a clear monopoly in the search engine business as most of its competitors struggling to exist. After cementing its place in the search engine business, Google started diversification of its business. Currently, the company has too many business portfolios like Android operating systems, mobile phones, driverless cars, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, etc. Google joined the list of the top 100 corporations in the world in 2005. CEO Larry Page was the CEO of Google until 2015. However, the company decided to appoint a new CEO to provide better directions to the company. The above thought process paves the way for the appointment of Sundar Pichai, an Indian by origin, as the CEO of Google on October 24, 2015. Although Larry Page continued as the CEO of Google’s parent company Alphabet till 2019, Mr. Pichai became the CEO of that company also on December 3, 2019 (Hall et al., 2023). Now Google’s missions, visions, and business strategies are decided by Sundar Pichai. Pichai concentrates more on collaboration, innovation, and transparency. He has an adamant belief in principles like diversity and inclusion (Kushan, 2022). That is why Google has diversified its business portfolios further under the leadership of Pichai. Pichai was instrumental in the development of many new technologies at Google. An important technology in this regard is Google’s self-driving car technology. There was no steering wheel, accelerator, or brake pedal in this fully autonomous vehicle. Google unveiled Firefly, a fully functional self-driving vehicle, in 2015. The business changed the name of its division that makes self-driving cars to Waymo in 2016. Waymo was able to create new, inexpensive, and more effective CPUs, cameras, and sensors than what was already available. Waymo was able to enhance its self-driving car's vision system, sensing system (radar), and laser-based lidar system with the aid of these sensors and cameras (Gibbs, 2017). Pichai played a major role in the development of all these technologies. Another innovative idea that prospered in the mind of Pichai is the Soli technology which is capable of recognizing and understanding the meaning of human motions at various levels and scales. It is capable of comprehending human movements ranging from a finger tap to a full-body motion. Pichai claims that he wants to enhance the human side of interactions between people and robots (Soli, 2019). Humans have the capacity to intuitively connect with one another even while they are silent. For instance, a watchman at a supermarket's door will open the doors when someone approaches him. In this instance, even if the individual approaching him says nothing, the watchman may open the door. One could claim that communication in this situation was intuitive. Google hopes to build this kind of machine-to-machine communication. This is the reason the corporation is working to further the Soli project. Google is aware that deaf and dumb individuals can use the services of Soli and improve their quality of life to a greater extent. Soli aims to improve the nonverbal communication between man and machine. Soli chip is currently available in Google’s Pixel 4 phones (Hiscock, 2020). Another technology developed under the leadership of Pichai is the duplex. Google Duplex's initial goal is to simplify real-world discussions as much as feasible. The enhanced ability of the duplex to understand the voice of the person on the other end of a call is one of its distinctive qualities. It has the ability to reply to such calls just like real people. It may call a restaurant and place an order or reserve a room. Like humans, it is capable of speaking with different people and getting their opinions before making such reservations. The caller from the restaurant won't realize that they are speaking to a machine or robot rather than a real person. Even email can be written by Duplex. Gmail's Duplex assistance will enable spoken message writing (Leviathan, 2019) A recurrent neural network (RNN) is the key component of Duplex. It can overcome difficulties with aspects of communication like understanding, interacting, timing, and speaking. The RNN makes use of the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology created by Google, audio features, conversation history, discussion parameters, etc. (Leviathan, 2019). Some of the other technologies developed under the leadership of Pichai are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Intelligence (MI), Machine Learning (ML), and Cloud computing. Google is currently incorporating its AI, MI, and ML technologies into most of its popular apps such as YouTube, and Play Store. The company believes that AI along with MI and ML can bring revolutionary changes in this world (Mosseri, 2020). Mission and Values Evaluations Google has recently tried to spend more on renewable energy as well. Along with increasing its investments in renewable energy sources including solar, wind, and geothermal energy, Google has declared its intention to create its own "cleantech" green energy initiative (Carmody, 2011). Google is working on clean energy projects like "cleantech" and is attempting to combine philanthropy with business. To put it another way, Google tries to kill two birds with one stone while creating clean or green energy. On the one hand, it seeks to show that it is committed to CSR and sustainable development, while on the other, it seeks to profit from quickly developing market areas like renewable energy. Since 2007, Google has been carbon-neutral, and by 2030, it aspires to be carbon-free (Google, 2020). In order to accomplish this goal, Google partnered with DeepMind in 2016 and began implementing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies to enhance the building's cooling systems. Google claims that by deploying its AI-enabled building cooling systems, it was able to lower its energy use by 30%. In an effort to commercialize its AI-enabled energy-saving technology globally, the company has already created an Industrial Adaptive Control platform (Google, 2020). The majority of highly developed nations, including the USA, spend more energy heating and cooling commercial buildings. Only in the United States, almost 12% of electricity is used for transportation. Google introduced its "carbon-intelligent computing platform" at the beginning of 2020 to assist data centers in moving non-essential computing work to periods or times when renewable energy sources were abundant (Golden, 2020). For instance, solar energy is plentiful during the day. Due to the storage issue, a greater portion of this energy has gone unused. Data centers typically run around the clock. Due to their incapacity to halt unnecessary computational operations at night, their energy consumption is practically the same during the day and at night. Google's "carbon-intelligent computing platform" can assist data centers in delaying the processing of non-essential tasks until daytime, when solar energy is abundant, and halting it during the night. Recommendations Google faces some criticisms in the past regarding its attempt to destroy the cognition of people. In his article, ...
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