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Communication Process: Written, Spoken and Non-Verbal Intercultural Communication (Term Paper Sample)


Below are the instructions my professor has provided me for the paper due. I have also attached a cultural essay I previously turned in. I work at a restaurant, but I'm not sure how you can tie that in if youd like you can just use family communication for all prompts. if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. thank you! Intercultural Communication in 3 Parts 4-6 Pages (1000-1500 words), Due by Midnight, Thursday, October 3 Written part = 90% Visual Component = 10% Language and communication are constantly evolving…and you’re a big part of that change. In this assignment, you are going to analyze three different aspects of communication—written communication, spoken communication and nonverbal communication—and look at how culture influences these three forms of communication in your life. I want your examples to be personal! You can either use the same cultural framework for each aspect of communication or you can choose a different cultural framework for each aspect of communication. An example of a single cultural framework forecast would be the following: In this paper, I will examine how power distance is present in my emails at work. Then I will look at how power distance influences my conversation with my family members. Finally, I will discuss how power distance is shown via nonverbal communication in a recent job interview. Organization: This paper will need an introduction in which you state your thesis and forecast. Your introduction should state why you chose to analyze the features in your paper. What sparked your interest? The thesis should include the specific cultural framework(s) as well as the specific features of communication you will be analyzing for written, spoken and nonverbal communication. The forecast will state the order of how you will go about supporting your thesis. The body of your paper will be divided into three main sections: written communication, spoken communication, and nonverbal communication. Each section should have a topic sentence that states what you will be discussing in that section. Finally, you will include a conclusion that states what you have learned from this assignment. As always, please cite your sources! Please note that the written communication part and the nonverbal communication part have mandatory visual components. These visual components should be personal in that I want you to include an actual email you sent, not one you found online. You will need to explain how these visual components relate to your analysis. For example, if you are discussing kinesics and are taking pictures of people hands while they are talking, you would say something to the effect of, “As you can see in figure 1, Mrs. X is… ” Don’t just include your visual components without linking them to your analysis. Including a visual (or video) component for spoken language is optional. If you are submitting pictures of emails/texts, block out the names. If you are submitting photos or videos, please make sure you get people’s permission before submitting or make sure no identifying characteristics are showing. I have included a “Consent to Recording” form on Blackboard. Below are some suggestions to think about in regards to your analysis and to inspire you to come up with your own critical thoughts. Some cultural frameworks to think about in regards to communication: How do cultural patterns—values, norms and beliefs—influence the communication you’re observing? Are there examples of people breaking cultural norms found in your own culture? (Or you can write about an instance where you broke a cultural norm.) Can you identify people’s values and beliefs through their language? How so? Can you use some of the behaviors in BASIC to explain people’s communication? Hall’s High to Low Context: Is the language being used high context? Low context? How do you know? Why is one context being used over another? Did you observe any instances of ingroup vs outgroup? Think about how the high/low context ties into other taxonomies such as power distance and individualism/collectivism. Which Hofstede, Schwartz and/or GLOBE taxonomies can you link to the communication you are analyzing? (The GLOBE taxonomy and BASIC are both good tools to use if you are analyzing a work interaction.) How does a cultural bias show itself in communication? If you do observe cultural bias, is the person aware of it? Can you use D-I-E in this instance? For the Written language part, I want you to examine an aspect of written communication that you use in your life. You will need to support your work with visual evidence. For example, if you are discussing Hofstede’s uncertainty avoidance and texts, you will need to show a picture of the relevant texts. If you are discussing how a GLOBE taxonomy is present in work emails, include the relevant email and so on. Some examples that a written communication analysis could highlight: Jargon; if you use this at your work or school, who do you use it with, why do you use it, does jargon infiltrate other parts of your life? Is there an in-group/out-group framework? Formality vs informality: think about context and how this could tie to a taxonomy or an aspect of cultural/social identity Texts; how do texts change from one person to other? We discussed some differences between generations in class, can you add to that discussion? How do texts show in-group membership? For Spoken language, some things to examine in an interaction are: Special features of spoken language: rate of talk, softness or loudness of talk, use of pauses, use of declarative statements vs use of questions. How does this link to a cultural framework? Turn taking: do people let other people finish and then speak or is there constant interruption, is this accepted or looked down upon? Do the rules of turn taking change depending on the context? Can you link turn taking to a taxonomy, to BASIC? Feedback: think about actional, interactional and transactional views of communication. Who is using which view of communication? Why do you think that is? Can you tie this to cultural/social identity? Direct speech vs indirect speech, who uses which and why? Cultural bias in an interaction, what did it look like, what was the reaction? Was DIE used? For Nonverbal communication, (along with a visual component) you can examine: Universal nonverbal displays, do you agree, disagree? Does it depend on context? The 5 functions of nonverbal communication (provide information, manage impressions, expression emotions, regulate interactions, convey relationship messages) and how they relate to a specific interaction and support the cultural framework. Can you tie one of the above functions to one or more of the 7 range of characteristics (physical appearance, environment, kinesics, proxemics, haptics, vocalics and chronemics). How are these functions influenced by the cultural framework you are discussing? The specific body movements (emblems, illustrators, affect displays, regulators, and adaptors) and how they are used by the participants in the interaction How the environment/physical context influence what is being said and how it’s being said, looking at the different characteristics of environment (such as formality, warmth, privacy, familiarity, constraint and distance) and how those influence the communication and are influenced by the cultural framework.


Professor’s Name
Analyzing Written, Spoken and Non-Verbal Intercultural Communication
The communication process is characterized by the sending and reception of messages between at least one sender and a recipient. Among humans, communication is characterized by both cognitive and social aspects because it facilitates the exchange of information, and influences people through conventional systems of signs and symbols (Schwarz 9-10). Considering the diversity that exists in human society, intercultural communication is a vital component of information exchange because it enables the creation of meaning between individuals that have diversified norms, values, and beliefs (Graham et al. 117). Therefore, this paper will analyze the concept of uncertainty avoidance in written, spoken, and non-verbal communication as well as the significance thereof in an intercultural communication context. The exploration of written communication will be based on memos distributed at my workplace, whereas the analysis of spoken information conveyance will focus on my interaction with family and friends. Moreover, my assessment of non-verbal communication will be based on my interaction with clients at my workplace, all of which will aim at proving the existence of uncertainty avoidance in all three communication features explored.

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