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Reasons and Motivations for Smokers to Attend the Primary Healthcare's Smoking Cessation Clinic in Saudi Arabia (Thesis Sample)

This sample is a research study that investigated the reasons and motivations for smokers in Saudi Arabia to attend primary healthcare cessation clinics to help healthcare providers and policymakers design more effective cessation programs. The research was a cross-sectional study involving 117 participants. The data for this paper was supplied by the client. The results indicated that the primary motivation for smokers to attend healthcare cessation clinics is concern about the health risks associated with smoking. Other reasons included the financial burden of tobacco use, social support, and guidance and assistance from healthcare professionals. The study made several recommendations for healthcare professionals and policymakers, such as tailoring interventions to the various demographics of smokers in Saudi Arabia. source..
Reasons and Motivations for Smokers to Attend the Primary Healthcare's Smoking Cessation Clinic in Saudi Arabia Student’s Name Affiliation Course Name and Number Instructor Due Date 1.0 CHAPTER I 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 The Impact of Smoking on Public Health Smoking is a well-known and significant public health issue that leads to severe illness and death. It affects various vital organs in the human body, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal systems, as well as causing cancer in multiple organs, with lung cancer being particularly prominent. Estimates suggest that millions of people die each year from smoking alone, and if current smoking trends continue, the death toll is projected to surpass eight million by 2030 (Ritchie & Roser, 2013). Young adults are particularly vulnerable to this deadly habit, often succumbing to it when they gain a certain degree of social independence and interact more frequently with their peers. In the social setting provided by colleges, smoking might begin as a harmless pastime but rapidly become an ingrained habit. Research shows that the prevalence of smoking among college students rises from freshman to senior year. Providing a smoke-free environment in educational institutions could significantly reduce the likelihood of nonsmokers developing this dangerous addiction (Jakobsen et al., 2021). 1.1.2 Influences on Smoking Initiation Individuals who idealize their elders at home, such as their fathers or older brothers, are more likely to start smoking (Baig et al., 2016). Smoking is sometimes seen as a symbol of maturity and independence ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"7aD0W8k0","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Denscombe, 2001)","plainCitation":"(Denscombe, 2001)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":18041,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":18041,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"The British journal of sociology","issue":"1","note":"ISBN: 0007-1315\npublisher: Wiley Online Library","page":"157-177","title":"Uncertain identities and health‐risking behaviour: The case of young people and smoking in late modernity","volume":"52","author":[{"family":"Denscombe","given":"Martyn"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]}}}],"schema":""} (Denscombe, 2001). Discouraging smoking at both small group and national levels can help deter people from taking up the habit. Governmental efforts, such as prohibiting smoking in public places, at gatherings, and during flights, as well as increasing taxes on tobacco sales, have proven effective in reducing the number of smokers in society (Paoletti et al., 2012). However, the positive impact of these measures is often undermined by the enthusiastic and powerful marketing tactics employed by tobacco companies. Tobacco consumption is on the rise in several parts of the world, including developed countries like Saudi Arabia and neighboring Muslim nations ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"dJuhT3hC","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Moradi-Lakeh {\\i{}et al.}, 2015)","plainCitation":"(Moradi-Lakeh et al., 2015)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":18042,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":18042,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"BMC public health","issue":"1","note":"ISBN: 1471-2458\npublisher: BioMed Central","page":"1-10","title":"Tobacco consumption in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2013: findings from a national survey","volume":"15","author":[{"family":"Moradi-Lakeh","given":"Maziar"},{"family":"El Bcheraoui","given":"Charbel"},{"family":"Tuffaha","given":"Marwa"},{"family":"Daoud","given":"Farah"},{"family":"Al Saeedi","given":"Mohammad"},{"family":"Basulaiman","given":"Mohammed"},{"family":"Memish","given":"Ziad A."},{"family":"AlMazroa","given":"Mohammad A."},{"family":"Al Rabeeah","given":"Abdullah A."},{"family":"Mokdad","given":"Ali H."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]}}}],"schema":""} (Moradi-Lakeh et al., 2015). It is crucial to change our attitudes towards this dangerous problem. Numerous studies have been conducted in Saudi Arabia regarding smoking habits among university students (Tahir, 2019) . Understanding the prevalence of smoking in different age groups, the reasons behind smoking initiation, motivational factors, and barriers to quitting smoking is essential to effectively reduce tobacco consumption among the youth (Martinez-Gutierrez et al., 2023). 1.1.3 Addressing Smoking Prevalence in Saudi Arabia The prevalence of smoking in Saudi Arabia is 14.09% (Qattan et al, 2021). Smoking remains a significant global public health concern, posing numerous health risks and burdens on individuals, families, and society as a whole. Tobacco use and its negative effects on public health are problems that plague Saudi Arabia, as they do a great many other countries (Al-Haqwi et al., 2010). The primary healthcare system in the Kingdom has responded to this urgent problem by opening Smoking Cessation Clinics with the goal of creating a healthier population as a whole (Yousef et al., 2023). These clinics are designed to help smokers kick the habit and move toward a healthier, smoke-free existence. Many forms of cancer, chronic lung disease, and cardiovascular disease are among the many NCDs for which tobacco use is a substantial risk factor. The impact on the healthcare system from smoking-related ailments highlights the need for effective smoking cessation therapies (General & Health, 2020d). When it comes to tackling public health concerns like tobacco addiction, primary healthcare is essential. The Saudi Arabian healthcare system has implemented Smoking Cessation Clinics at basic healthcare clinics around the country, recognizing the need for early intervention and support. These clinics take a holistic approach to help people quit smoking by providing individualized treatment regimens in addition to counseling and other readily available services. While Smoking Cessation Clinics have the potential to significantly reduce the prevalence of smoking, it is essential to identify the variables that motivate smokers to seek treatment from these centers. Healthcare authorities may maximize the effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Clinics by examining these aspects and adjusting their treatments accordingly (Monshi, Arbaein, et al., 2023). Smokers seek help at Smoking Cessation Clinics for a variety of reasons, including the health hazards connected to quitting smoking as well as societal and personal incentives (Buczkowski et al., 2021). Individuals' smoking behaviors are significantly influenced by peer pressure, parental influence, and societal conventions. The desire to safeguard one's loved ones and enhance one's own health can be a potent incentive for some smokers to kick the habit. Others may be motivated by a desire to avoid the financial burden that comes with smoking (Dar-Odeh et al., 2016). 1.1.4 Benefits of Smoking Cessation Clinics and Individualized Care The rising awareness of the ill consequences of smoking may also inspire smokers to seek help at cessation clinics. The more people learn about the correlation between smoking and sickness, the more likely they will be to take action and get care ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"G3OwK7BP","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Adler and Matthews, 1994)","plainCitation":"(Adler and Matthews, 1994)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":18043,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":18043,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Annual review of psychology","issue":"1","note":"ISBN: 0066-4308\npublisher: Annual Reviews 4139 El Camino Way, PO Box 10139, Palo Alto, CA 94303-0139, USA","page":"229-259","title":"Health psychology: Why do some people get sick and some stay well?","volume":"45","author":[{"family":"Adler","given":"Nancy"},{"family":"Matthews","given":"Karen"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1994"]]}}}],"schema":""} (Adler and Matthews, 1994).. In addition, the presence of specialized clinics inside the primary healthcare system facilitates smokers' access to the assistance they require by reducing barriers like cost, distance, and stigma. One of the attractions of smoking-cessation clinics is the customized care each patient receives (Alturki et al., 2020). These centers provide individualized care to meet the specific requirements of their patients. Healthcare experts can help smokers stop successfully and manage withdrawal symptoms by offering individualized counseling and support. Motivation to stop smoking might be boosted by the positive atmosphere seen at Smoking Cessation Clinics (Rigotti, 2012). Meeting with doctors and nurses who focus on helping people quit smoking may be quite motivating. Clinics that provide peer support groups and group therapy might help smokers feel less isolated and more connected to a group with a similar aim of quitting (Mahoto et al., 2023). Healthcare authorities can better enhance Smoking Cessation Clinic services by acquiring a thorough grasp of the reasons and motivations driving smokers' decisions to visit. By understanding what motivates people to seek treatment, healthcare providers will be better able to design interventions and allocate resources to address the unique needs of smokers. The results can also be used to shape campaigns and programs that educate the public about the advantages of quitting smoking and the locations of treatment centers specifically for that purpose (Alodhayani et al., 2021). 1.1.5 Significance of Incorporating Smoking Cessation Clinics in Saudi Arabia The incorporation of Smoking Cessation Clinics into the primary healthcare system in Saudi Arabia is an importan...
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