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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
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The Decision by Doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (Article Critique Sample)


Doctors and other healthcare providers play a vital role in saving human lives. Patients who visit hospitals do not envisage a scenario where physicians may fail to offer them care and still remain within the law. However, one recent practice common in most hospitals across the United States is the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order. This practice involves a case where a doctor writes an order instructing a fellow caregiver not to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a patient whose breathing stops. Specifically, this paper focuses on the DNR that doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago issue concerning Covid-19 patients (Cha, 2020). Sadly, the outcome of DNR at the said facility is expected to cause more Covid-19 deaths.


The Decision by Doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Ethical Issue
Doctors and other healthcare providers play a vital role in saving human lives. Patients who visit hospitals do not envisage a scenario where physicians may fail to offer them care and still remain within the law. However, one recent practice common in most hospitals across the United States is the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order. This practice involves a case where a doctor writes an order instructing a fellow caregiver not to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a patient whose breathing stops. Specifically, this paper focuses on the DNR that doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago issue concerning Covid-19 patients (Cha, 2020). Sadly, the outcome of DNR at the said facility is expected to cause more Covid-19 deaths.
Applying a Value Choice Theory to The Case.
Several theories could be used to analyze the matter at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. However, this part focuses on teleology theory, which is premised on the idea that some actions are morally acceptable if the intended outcome will benefit many people and if the action does not harm others. The decision to avoid resuscitating Covid-19 patients can be justified using teleology theory because doctors at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital argue that trying to save the patients exposes healthcare workers to the virus (Cha, 2020). While the decision is controversial and unethical to some, it is justifiable through teleology.

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