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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Abuse, Fraud, and Waste Control in Health Care Service Delivery (Essay Sample)

DISCUSS: Abuse, Fraud, and Waste Control in Health Care Service Delivery The Affordable Care Act, enacted in 20210, outlined abuse, fraud, and waste provisions to help the federal and state administrations fight improper payments in the Children's Health Insurance Program, Medicaid kit, and the general Medicare for American residents (Mackey et al., 2020). source..
HLT-308, Topic 5 DQ 2 Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor's Name Date Abuse, Fraud, and Waste Control in Health Care Service Delivery The Affordable Care Act, enacted in 20210, outlined abuse, fraud, and waste provisions to help the federal and state administrations fight improper payments in the Children's Health Insurance Program, Medicaid kit, and the general Medicare for American residents (Mackey et al., 2020). According to Mitka (2012), a joint initiative known as the Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team formed under the "Obamacare" legislation has been instrumental in the fight against health care abuse and fraud. The scholar holds that the Medicare Fraud Strike Force Team is vital to this initiative. Its primary role is to harness data analytics of the federal and state resources and law enforcement entities to combat or prevent abuse, fraud, and waste in health care service delivery (Shachar & Curfman, 2020). In line with the Affordable Care Act, my healthcare facility could strive to improve its healthcare system in three areas: minimizing healthcare costs, strengthening medical care, and expanding client protection. The organization could best realize these goals by implementing more rigid policies on resource use to combat waste, abuse, and fraud. In addition, the facility could focus on waste, abuse, and fraud prevention by developing and enacting solid mechanisms such as audit and compliance plans, practical strategies for recovery actions for fraud crimes, and penalties for violations. These initiatives, together with enforcing more rigorous screening and admission requirements for every health care provider, would foster accountability in the workplace leading to abuse, fraud, and waste control. B...
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