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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Breast Cancer in African American Women (Essay Sample)


Breast cancer is usually a condition that occurs to African American women nearly every year. From recent studies, there are more incidents of white women who are African American and are affected by breast cancer. Normally, breast cancer is a common non-skin cancer affecting women. Compared to Caucasian- Americans, the cases of African Americans are lower even though mortality rates are ironical. Most studies show that when cancer started being a threat, it began among African Americans. This was caused by a lack of proper care and screening and a disparity in emerging cases. However, the number of death cases among African American women rapidly increases daily compared to any other group in the United States. Thus, the main reason for this topic is to discuss the factors and techniques that will help curb the spread of breast cancer and even save the lives of young African American women from the disease. It advocates for screening for breast cancer and education of young women


Breast cancer in African American Women
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Breast cancer in African American Women
Breast cancer is usually a condition that occurs to African American women nearly every year. From recent studies, there are more incidents of white women who are African American and are affected by breast cancer. Normally, breast cancer is a common non-skin cancer affecting women. Compared to Caucasian- Americans, the cases of African Americans are lower even though mortality rates are ironical. Most studies show that when cancer started being a threat, it began among African Americans. This was caused by a lack of proper care and screening and a disparity in emerging cases. However, the number of death cases among African American women rapidly increases daily compared to any other group in the United States. Thus, the main reason for this topic is to discuss the factors and techniques that will help curb the spread of breast cancer and even save the lives of young African American women from the disease. It advocates for screening for breast cancer and education of young women. HYPERLINK ""
Significance of the topic HYPERLINK ""
This article's main focus and motive are on breast cancer among African American women who have received minimal attention. Once there is a proper understanding of the most vital information concerning breast cancer, applying the literal findings of enforcing strategies for reducing and curbing breast cancer mortality cases would be possible. From the information understood, it would make it possible for one to use better ways of curbing challenges and even provide better interventions that could facilitate proper cancer screening. This would be a better move for thinking about the future. Early detection

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