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Clinical Reasoning Cycle. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


The purpose of the essay was to give a proper response to a SCENARIO that was given.


Clinical Reasoning Cycle
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Clinical Reasoning Cycle: Case Scenario
Clinical reasoning cycle is regarded as the process through which medical practitioners including nurses collect indications, perform data processing and understand the health problem that the patient in question is being faced with. Subject to the results obtained, the medical practitioners thus plan and implement the interventions, gauge the results and reflect on the entire process.
A patient aged 50 years old was admitted in a medical ward. The patient was suspected to be suffering from obesity and diabetes type 2. After a while the patient was referred because his condition worsened and he manifested shakiness, diaphoresis and hunger. He also had difficulty in breathing. During his first admission a dietician had recommended low protein high energy diet (LEHP) as a way to help him cut weight. Past medical history indicated that the patient weighed 146Kgs; type 2 diabetes had been diagnosed in his childhood. He also suffered from hypertension and sleep apnea.

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