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Community Resource Coordinator (Essay Sample)




Community Resource Coordinator
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Community Resource Coordinator
A Community Resource Coordinator must create a plan useful in the coordination of services. The plan must enhance the updating and connect with clients in the agency and other agencies through the process of referral. The plan is useful for those that require services on job training, domestic violence, mental health and substance abuse. The plan will provide guidelines for confidentiality, making and evaluating referrals, coordinating, and timeline and barrier identification. The study will help represent the plan.
Guidelines for Confidentiality
There must be the embracement of reasonable precautions to attempt to protect confidential information of the clients such as the addicts of substance abuse or domestic violence victim. There must be the discussion between the professional and the client to establish the limits of confidentiality. Professionals must obtain permission from clients or legal representatives before making any voice or image recordings of the clients. There should be no or minimal invasion of client’s privacy, and there must be oral or written consultations on the matter if a need arises. There must be no disclosure of any confidential information unless there is client consent or a legal representative. In cases of referral, the professional must consult with the client in the establishment of the information to disclose to the other agency.
Guidelines for Making and Evaluating Referrals
The process of referring and evaluating the referral must have the client’s interest at heart. It means that the process of referral must be for the interest of the client and not the agency or professional. The welfare of the client must get the recognition as paramount. Therefore, the referral must be to address the needs and requirements of the client to enhance appropriate referrals. Evaluation of the referral must be result-based and no other issue. All referrals must focus on the achievements experienced towards the provision of the service. For instance, a referral of a domestic violence victim must enhance the emotional healing of the victim to have the evaluation of a successful or adequate referral.
Identifying Barriers
Referrals have barriers that include transportation cost or service cost. The increase in expenditure on a client is a barrier that may discourage them from fully participating in the program. Identification of barriers helps ensure participation of the clients. Some of the barriers are age related, and a professional must ensure that they take into account age factor. Most of the elder generation members are not willing to travel a lot. They must be in a referral program just near them. There should be the identification of the financial positions of the clients to ensure that the rising cost resulting from the referrals are as affordable as possible.
Timeline for Referrals
Any professional must ensure that there is the derivation of the maximum benefits from the programs by the client. There is no limit to the timeline before there is the engagement of referral. The most important factor is when there is the realization of the failure of the client to experience any progress. There should be the continuous identification of progress made maybe on a quarterly basis, and when there is no progress, there should be the engagement of referral. During referral, evaluation should be done halfway through the expected time of service or program. If the expected duration of the program is six months, evaluation should be done at the end of the third month.
Guidelines for Coordinating Services
After making the referral, the Community Resource Coordinator must take interest to ensure that the client manages appointments and services. Coordinating services must have principles that are a reflection of approaches such as survivor-center...
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