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Nursing care models Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


talked about nursing care models.


Nursing Care Models
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Nursing Care Models
Excellent results from nurses are a result of using nursing care models. To any healthcare system, nurses are essential personnel. They address patients’ needs and provide direct care too. They are advocators, educators and patient comforters to any hospital organization. Nurses follow specific rules which have been documented as nursing care models. The nursing care models help them offer superb services to their patients. Nursing practice models have been incorporated to implement resources-intensive strategies with the goal of decreasing expenses and using staff more efficiently (Finkelman, 2016). Since 1920 after the implementation of the total patient care, nursing care models have been then used at the nursing departments while dealing with nurse shortage which came after World War II. As the nursing profession has grown, the models have also evolved to ensure they suit the current nursing status.
For appropriate patient care, the nursing profession has incorporated different designs of workflows. For instance, “Nursing care models are developed to identify and describe nursing care” (Finkelman, 2016). An appropriate service is rendered will ensure good care for the patients being served in the community. While providing care to patients, there are various models which can be in effect depending on the situation at hand. These models aspects include total care of patients, team nursing, functional nursing, primary nursing, the care, and services team and contemporary model (Finkelman, 2016). This article incorporates the Interprofessional Practice Model.

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