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State Reporting Requirements for Reporting Unprofessional or Unsafe Practices. (Essay Sample)

This is a research paper: State reporting requirements for reporting unprofessional or unsafe practices to the board of nurses and when it would be appropriate to report such behavior. It required providing specific examples of unprofessional practice and explain why you consider it to violate ethical or regulatory standards of nursing practice. Describe typical resources that you might find within a healthcare organization that would help you when you encounter unprofessional practice. source..
State Reporting Requirements Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name and Title Assignment Due Date State Reporting Requirements The board of nurses ensures that practicing nurses are competent. Consequently, patients receive optimal healthcare provision. Unprofessional or unsafe practices can lead to serious patient injuries, resulting in the death of patients. In such scenarios, a nurse or the whole healthcare organization are responsible for such a mistake. In certain states, anyone who believes a licensed professional has engaged in unlawful actions pertaining to their profession can file professional misconduct. Such illegal actions may include sexual violation, gross negligence, unnecessary invasive procedures, and inappropriate drug prescription. All these activities violate the ethical standards of the nursing practice as they risk the public and patients’ health and welfare. As such, allocating adequate resources within a hospital organization is critical to addressing and minimizing instances of unprofessional misconduct. State Requirements for Reporting Unprofessional or Unsafe Practices Nurses have a duty to provide optimum healthcare to their patients. This concept is the foundation of nursing and is instilled in the working environment. Nonetheless, incidences of unprofessional conduct still occur. Professional misconduct takes various forms, and warning signals can prevent future violations (Caldicott, 2019). Regrettably, most incidences reach the board of nurses when it is too late and the violations have already taken place. Most incidences go unreported due to the fear of not remaining anonymous, fear of alienating a medical professional, or shame regarding patients. Consequently, patients, co-workers, and employers become victims or are negatively impacted, leading to a negative reputation. As such, each state has its own regulations regarding healthcare and unprofessional conduct. For instance, in California, anyone who considers a licensed nurse has participated in illegitimate actions in their profession can file a complaint (California Board of Registered Nursing, n.d.). The board reviews complaints to decide whether it has the right to conduct investigations. However, if complaints are not within the board’s domain, they are referred to other organizations. Specific Examples of Unprofessional Practice Professional misconduct violates the ethical and regulatory standards of nursing practice. Nurses have a duty to their patients, and the community as a whole holds them at a higher standard of demeanor as vulnerable individuals in need of care trust them. Nonetheless, factors such as personal issues and selfish intentions, for example, financial gain, encourage professional misconduct. Examples of professional misconduct include gross negligence, fraud regarding license application, unlicensed activity, substance abuse, inappropriate prescribing, sexual violations, and practicing beyond the professional scope or unnecessary invasive procedures (DuBois et al., 2019). These violations directly harm patients and damage the reputation of the profession. For instance, the inappropriate prescription of drugs such as opioids leads to addiction and, at times, drug overdose, causing the deaths of patients. Furthermore, sexual violations lead to emotionally traumatized individuals, causing depression, alcohol abuse, and posttraumatic stress disorder. On the other hand, unnecessary invasive procedures cause patients’ financial strain, resulting from high hospital and rehabilitation costs. In some cases, these procedures can cause severe physical harm or death. These events negatively affect healthcare practices, especially when organizations choose to conceal such incidences or refuse to take the necessary actions despite numerous complaints (DuBois et al., 2019). Health institutions and medical professions lose their credibility as patients get discouraged from seeking medical help. Resources within a Healthcare Organization that would Help Counter Unprofessional Practice Despite the rising number of cases of unprofessional conduct, some resources within a healthcare organization can help when an individual encounters professional misconduct. When a colleague at work engages in professional misconduct, one way to offer help is through remediation, which involves the elements of therapy or counseling and registering with a rehabilitation program (Caldicott, 2019). It is essential to know that any healthcare provider can commit ethical violations as life situations such as stress can affect them like any other individual. Nonetheless, it is empirical for them to be accountable for their actions and recognize any red flags. Medical violators can identify the risk factors contributing to ethical violations through therapy (Caldicott, 2019). Such factors include setting long appointments after working hours, financial insecurity, marital difficulties, and trauma. These factors contribute to individuals developing unhealthy ...
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