VROOM'S MODEL OF EXPECTANCY THEORY. Management Essay (Essay Sample)
i was required to define vroom's model of expectancy theory and discuss its three premises using three sources.
Vroom’s Model of Expectancy Theory
Academic Institution
Vroom’s Model of Expectancy Theory
Vroom's expectancy approach submits that behavior is a result of conscious decisions from various options that maximize pleasure while minimizing pain. The approach intimates that although workers' goals may be varied, they can all be motivated because their performance depends on individual factors like abilities, experience, knowledge, skills, and personality. Vroom's expectancy separates outcomes, performance, and effort. According to this approach, various variables, for example, valence, expectancy, and instrumentality have a direct influence on effort, motivation, and performance. Due to the model’s ability to measure motivation, it can be used by organizations to address staffing issues.
The element of expectancy defines one’s certainty that the efforts they apply will result in the accomplishment of the performance goals targeted. This is judged on the difficulty of the task, experience, and self-confidence. Instrumentality, on the other hand, represents the faith by the person that they will get a reward if they meet the performance expectations. The rewards could be a pay rise, recognition, promotion or commissions. The final element, valence, represents the value attached on the recompenses by an individual and the value is shaped by one’s goals, needs, preference and source of motivation (Mitchell, 1974, p.1053).
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