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Structural Mitigation over Non-structural Mitigation Management Essay (Essay Sample)


In a 1-2 page paper, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of choosing structural mitigation over non-structural mitigation. Be sure to define what these terms mean as part of your discussion.


Structural Mitigation over Non-structural
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Structural Mitigation over Non-structural
A disaster can occur at any time which calls for mitigation which involves efforts directed towards lessening the impact of a disaster. Mitigation can influence those who live or die, the buildings which survive and the length and cost of recovery (Phillips, Neal & Webb, 2016). Mitigation coordinating structures can range from individual to government initiatives. Mitigation efforts are subdivided into two categories: structural and unstructured mitigation.
Structural mitigation involves the use of physical construction to minimize the impacts of hazards. It can also entail the application of technology or engineering techniques to enhance resilience in structures. It can include the construction of dams and levees, tornado safe rooms and concrete barriers. The major goal of structural mitigation is to minimize the loss of life and injuries and also the damage of property. On the other hand, non-structural mitigation includes measures which do not involve physical construction. It entails the prevention of disasters through administrative efforts. Examples of non-structural measures are building zoning and planning, relocation, education and training, and building codes.

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