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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Abortion and its Effects (Essay Sample)


What is abortion and it's effects?


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Abortion has been a matter of concern all over the world. Year in year out, many women undergo abortions which are either safe or unsafe. This would lead to many deaths of the women, mostly if the abortion were unsafe. Everyday women undergo abortions for different reasons. A few awareness campaigns have been placed to be against and even for safe abortions. Most European countries have legalized abortions together with the USA. The rest of the world most is against the notion of abortion. Is abortion supposed to be the choice of the law and government, or is it a mother’s choice as it is her body after all. This question always comes to give why abortion should or should not be legalized.
Abortion is the removal of a fetus before a mother gives birth to it. An abortion can either be spontaneous or planned. A spontaneous abortion is what is known as a miscarriage (Britannica, 2020). Most abortions occur in the first trimester, which is from conception to the 12th week. A medical and physical assessment is done before the abortion. The doctor looks into the welfare of the child, and the mother by some tests are

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