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Ethics of Marketing Promotion of Medical Products (Essay Sample)




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Ethics of Marketing Promotion of Medical Products
Over the past two decades, there has been an increasingly worrying trend of advertisements and promotion of unproven products across the mainstream media and the internet. As of 2015, about two-thirds of Americans relied on social media for news, thus, creating a favorable platform for promoting products. This has been coupled by a rise of intentionally false but realistic-looking promotions that are promulgated by tabloid and clickbait websites, as well as extremist social media influencers and thus intensifying a rise in concerns. This has necessitated heated debate worldwide and hence investigations of the products in question, birthing a need to establish an oversight as discussed below.
Every enterprise aims at showing its products in the best light possible and this automatically leads to a highlight of the product’s benefits. For instance, Quick Trim sought for Kardashian’s endorsement of their diet regimen product. Among the benefits of the product that were demonstrated is a quick weight shed. However, product dishonesty became an issue of Quick Trim after consumer’s claims that the product did not live up to its’ weight-loss claims. Thus, Quick Trim employed a deceptive marketing promotion to win a greater number of consumers. It is evidenced-based that most Americans fail to question the product encountered on promotions and thus leading to trust concerns of those products and thus a rise of unproven product promotion.
Theresa May claims on unsafe and irresponsible endorsements of unproven products are valid and as such should be addressed considering the great health and economic effects the products in question pose to innocent consumers. It is unethical to fail to ap

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