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Preliminary Investigation about the Organization and Its Business Activities (Essay Sample)


As a recently hired records manager at Abu Dhabi Insurance LLC, you are experiencing problems with records management. Employees find it difficult to quickly find the information they are looking for. File and folder names are not always self-explanatory, metadata is rarely complete, and there is no harmony in file classification.
How are you improving the situation?
  Structured document : make a plan
 -  Introduction page: specify your names, course, topic, etc.
 -  3 pages max
 -  bibliography
relevant resources:
 -  Records Management Journal
 -  The American Archivist
 -
 -  Archival Issues: Journal of the Midwest Archives Conference
 -  Archival Science
 -  Archivaria
 -  Archives and Manuscripts -  Archives and Museum Informatics
 -  Archives and Records: The Journal of the Archives and Records Association
 -  Journal of the Society of Archivists


Records Management
Preliminary Investigation about the Organization and Its Business Activities
Records management is an essential practice that affects the quality of services delivered in an organization. ADNIC operates in the insurance industry. The firm was founded in 1972 and is a leading multi-line regional insurance company. It has long-standing expertise in the provision of insurance and reinsurance services to firms and individuals in MENA and the Middle East.

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