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Six Principles Of Weight Loss Medicine Research Assignment (Other (Not Listed) Sample)


six principles of weight loss


There is no secret to losing weight. There is no magic pill, fad diet or water that works. You have to put in a lot of effort, but it's worth it. Here are six basic principles that will help you lose weight
Decide to lose weight. It's all in mind.
Make a personal decision to lose weight with reasons why. Your personal choice is what fuels your willpower, commitment, patience, and perseverance.
Set goals
Make long-term goals then break them down to short-term goals. For instance, your goal in the long run could be, weigh 60kgs, achieve a normal Body Mass Index, wear dress size 10, etc.
Break these goals further, e.g. lose 0.5kgs per week. Review your goals periodically, weekly, monthly, every three months and so on and mostly match your goals to your abilities and needs.
There are a number of mobile applications such as fitness tracker, Nike, endomondo, that you can use to track your progress.
Watch your diet
This is where you have to put a lot of effort. No matter how much you work out, you will not achieve your goals as fast, or you may not achieve any at all if you don't watch your diet.
When I talk of diet, I'm not referring to fad diets or pills or magic water that promise you instant results. A healthy diet provides your body with all the nutrients that it needs for optimal functioning.
You should take a well-balanced diet adequate in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, minerals and water. You may use food guide which may help achieve a variety, calorie control and moderation. Example you may use the following tips to guide in your dietary intake;
Choose foods low in saturated fat
Entirely all foods contain fats which are mixture of “good” (unsaturated) and “bad” fats (saturated). “Bad” fats raises your blood level more than anything else you eat. Therefore, the best way to lower your blood cholesterol is to choose foods that are low in “bad” fats. By choosing foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains foods naturally low in total fat and high in starch and dietary fiber helps in low intake of “bad” fats.
Choose foods low in total fat
Since many foods high in total fat are also high in saturated fat, eating foods low in total fat will help you eat less saturated fat. When you do eat fat, substitute unsaturated fat either polyunsaturated or monounsaturated for saturated fat. Fat is a rich source of calories, so eating foods low in fat will also help you eat fewer calories. Eating fewer calories can help you lose weight and if you are overweight, losing weight is an important part of lowering your blood cholesterol.
Choose foods high in starch and fiber 
Foods high in starch and fiber are excellent substitutes for foods high in saturated fat. These foods include breads, cereals, pasta, grains, fruits, and vegetables and are low in saturated fat and cholesterol. They are also lower in calories than foods that are high in fat. But limit fatty toppings and spreads like butter and sauces made with cream and whole milk dairy products. Foods high in starch and fiber are also good sources of vitamins and minerals.
When eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, foods with soluble fiber like oat and barley bran and dry peas and beans may help to lower blood cholesterol.
Choose foods low in cholesterol 
Remember, dietary cholesterol can raise blood cholesterol, although usually not as much as saturated fat. So, it's important to choose foods low in dietary cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol is found only in foods that come from animals. And even if an animal food is low in saturated fat, it may be high in cholesterol; for instance, organ meats like liver and egg yolks are low in saturated fat but high in cholesterol. Egg whites and foods from plant sources do not have cholesterol.
Eating a well-balanced and adequate diet not only provides your body with the nutrients that it requires but also leaves you feeling full for longer as compared to jun...
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