Nursing practitioner plan Health, Medicine, Nursing Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)
the task is about the role of nurse practitioner and requirements and competencies desired by nurses.
Nursing Practitioner Plan
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Personal mission PAGEREF _Toc527450604 \h 3Personal vision PAGEREF _Toc527450605 \h 3Federal filing PAGEREF _Toc527450606 \h 3State nurse practice act PAGEREF _Toc527450607 \h 3State requirement for practice PAGEREF _Toc527450608 \h 4Practice protocol PAGEREF _Toc527450609 \h 4Collaborative practice contract PAGEREF _Toc527450610 \h 5Professional PAGEREF _Toc527450611 \h 6Practice speciality certification PAGEREF _Toc527450612 \h 6Compendium of local practice opportunities PAGEREF _Toc527450613 \h 6Prerequisites to acquire or step into NP position PAGEREF _Toc527450614 \h 7Community served PAGEREF _Toc527450615 \h 8Colleagues PAGEREF _Toc527450616 \h 8Technology PAGEREF _Toc527450617 \h 9Insurance PAGEREF _Toc527450618 \h 9Generic templates PAGEREF _Toc527450619 \h 9Justification of NP existence PAGEREF _Toc527450620 \h 9 PAGEREF _Toc527450621 \h 11
Personal mission
The role for me is to serve as nursing practitioner to the children specifically. My population and foci are adults and psychiatric patients.
Personal vision
The personal mission is to provide good assistance to paediatric patients to cure their health problems with a mission to serve and imbibe nursing principles. These nursing principles are caring patients with empathy and treat patients with dignity and humanity, taking responsibility for care to the patients, managing risks and being aware towards the risks factors and keeping safe everyone in the place of healthcare, promoting primacy of interests of patients first, continuously communicating with patients and other health staffs for proper treatment to the patients, having up to date knowledge and skills to serve the patients well, understanding the specific needs of patients, working closely with the team to make sure patients receive care and good treatment and leading by examples (“Principle of nursing practices.” 2018). these nursing principles are strived by me to adopt in my personality and behaviour.
Federal filing
The federal filing such as drug enforcement agency and NPs national provider identified numbers are planned to apply and I am waiting for the drug enforcement agency or DEA number.
State nurse practice act
The nursing practicing act sets out the responsibilities and practice of the RNs. The nursing practice act requires checking the criminal backgrounds of the person, no report of substance abuse, no reports of those acts and omissions due to disciplinary actions, provides and assigns nursing interventions within the registered nurses scope of practice. To obtain the license the nursing practice act, requires application and fee, graduation degree, passage of professional examination and other information. The California nurse act requires providing nursing certificate that I have, and demands to practice standardised practices in nursing profession (“Business and professional code-BPC, “2018).
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