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Factors Influencing Women Managers’ Success (Term Paper Sample)


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1. Factors Influencing Women Managers’ Success
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Factors Influencing Women Managers’ Success
Historically, women have been massively underrepresented in managerial positions across corporate organizations globally. The underrepresentation stems from the widespread gender discrimination and inequality practices that plague many organizations. However, in recent times, a major paradigm shift has changed these antiquated perceptions and practices, and the number of women in managerial posts is increasing by the day. Despite these improvements, significant barriers still exist that continue to debar women from progressing up the corporate ladder. This paper explores some of the individual, organizational, and societal factors that affect women managers' chances of success in corporate institutions.
Individual-level factors comprise variables that lean towards personal beliefs, values, and attitudes, especially toward prejudices and stereotypes. One of the notable factors in this category is self-confidence (Kay and Shipman). Generally, women are known to underestimate their performance capabilities in corporate organizations. In their research, Kay and Shipman identified self-doubt among women as 

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