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Math Problem Samples

  • Solving Mathematical Word Problems Involving Speed
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Vivian and Noelle both leave the park at the same time, but in opposite directions. If Noelle travels 5 mph faster than Vivian and after 8 hours, they are 136 miles apart, how fast in mile per hour is each traveling? * The speed of Noelle would be: x mph * Then the speed of Vivian would be: x-5 mph * ...
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Computation of Algebraic Expressions
    Description: MLA; Mathematics & Economics; Question 1. Find the value of (7-6.35)÷6.5+9.9(1.2÷36+1.2÷0.25-1516)÷16924 Firstly, solve the numerator of the expression by using BODMAS: (7-6.35)÷6.5+9.9 Bracket; (7-6.35)= 0.65 0.65÷6.5+9.9 Division; 0.65÷6.5=0.656.5, 6.5 goes to 0.65, 0.1 times. Addition; 0.1+ 9.9=1.0 ...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | MLA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Sample Mathematics Problem Type Examination
    Description: Other; Literature & Language; This paper consists of 15 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing. SECTION A (50 MARKS) 1. Using logarithms, evaluate correct to 4d.p.(4mks) 0.8 25.48 X 0.0212. 6.159 2. Solve the equation below. ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • ADHD and School Performance in Children. Math Problem.
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, makes learning difficult through loss of focus. The learners feel a constant need for movement, their thoughts drift and they have difficulty filtering their thoughts....
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Examples of Logical Problems
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; 1 ∀x(Ax → Bx) 2 ∀x (Ax→Cx) 3 Ad→Bd 1, ∀Elim 4 Ad→Cd 2, ∀Elim 5 Ad Assumption for CP 6 Bd 3,5 →Elim 7 Cd 3,4 → Elim 8 Bd & Cd 6,7 & Intro 9 Ad → (Bd &Cd) 5,-8 →Intro 10 ∀x[Ax→(Bx&Cx)] 9, ∀Intro 1 ∀x(¬Cx →¬Ax) 2 ∃xCx → (∃x¬(¬Bx V ¬ Dx) 3 ¬(¬∃xAx V ∃xBx) Assumption for IP 4 ¬Cd → ¬Ad 1, ∀ Elim 5 ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Constructing Pay-Off Matrix on Representing Profits
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Market research has determined estimates for each law firm’s expected profits for the various outcomes of this scenario. If both firms agree to the merger, then each should individually expect a profit of 20 million in the next year. If our client agrees to the merger while the competitor does not....
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Using Pythagoras Theorem in Math Problems
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; The theorem postulates that, to evaluate the hypotenuse, denoted d2, it is equal to the sum squares of the base and the height, denoted a2 + b2. The triangle is three sided with a perpendicular 900 angle. For the purpose of this report, we will use a as the height, b as the base and d as the hypotenuse, ...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • The Over and Under Valuation Theory in Stocks
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; The dividends are projected until 2024 where they will stagnate. However, for 2024, the terminal value has to be gotten, which is the value of perpetuity via the normal dividend growth formula; The next step is calculating the present values of the projected dividend values using the formula; Where; D is the...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 1 Source | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Calculating Mean, Range, and Standard Deviation
    Description: Other; Literature & Language; Use the data to calculate the following: a. Mean - 104.25b. Median – 104 c. Range – 35d. Q1 – 101 e. Q3 – 108.5f. IQR – 7.5 2. Create a boxplot of the data from question #1. 3. Answer the following questions using the box plot below. a. Give the 5-number summary (approximate) of actors. Min - 30 Q1...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| No Sources | Other | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Solving Mathematical Equation Involving Integration
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; To evaluate ʃ x sin 3x dx, we use the method of integration by parts given by the formula; ʃ u dv = uv-ʃ v du Let u = x, dv = sin 3x; then, v= -cos 3x and du = dx. Now substituting in the formula we get; ʃ x sin 3x dx = x-1/3cos 3x-ʃ-1/3cos 3x dx = -1/3cos 3x+1/9sin 3x+C, where C is a constant. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Solving Mathematical Word Problems Involving Sales
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; The Konrath Company, a wholesaler in the Midwest, is considering extending credit to the Hawk Company, a retail chain operation that has a number of stores in the Midwest. The Konrath Company has had gross margin of approximately 60% in recent years and expects to have similar gross margin on Hawk Company ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Homework on graphs, slopes and functions
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Homework on graphs, slopes and functions Mathematics & Economics Math Problem...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • The Sets
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; 1 Write down the elements of the sets U, A and B. Write in set notation: left25717500 U means universal set. The set containing all objects or elements and of which all other sets are subsets. These elements are1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10. In set notation U=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 A means set A. ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Decomposition
    Description: APA; Engineering; The symmetry group of a cube is isomorphic to S4 the permutation group on 4 elements. If we number the vertices of the cube from 1 to 4, and where opposite vertices are given the same number, the permutation corresponding to asymmetry can be read out from one of the faces. If we e.g. let the top face be ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Engineering | Math Problem |
  • Mathematics exam setting. Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; 5x x 52y = 25 and 32x x 3y =  QUOTE   (3 Marks) Solve for x in (log x)2 =  QUOTE   (3 marks) Solve for x in the equation. (3 marks) 9(22x+ 2) – 41(2x) + 8 = 0 Solve for x in the equation.  EMBED Equation.3  (3 marks) Solve for x in the given equation. (3 marks) 64x – 121 = 7...
    1 page/≈550 words| 1 Source | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Differential Equations Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; 1 u''+u'+2u= sin2t The auxiliary equation is r2+r+2=0 Using the general formula x=-b±b2-4ac2a a = 1, b = 1, c = 2 x=-1±12-4(1)22(1) x=-1±1-82 x=-1±1-82 x=-1±-72 x=-1+-72 or -1--72 ∴If the roots are complex numbers, i.e r1= α+iβ , r2= α-iβ Where α, β are real numbers, from the solution we have....
    17 pages/≈4675 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Solution of Quadratic Equation
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Method 1 Solve by factoring method x2-2x-15=0 Find the product and the sum of the equation Product=1×-15=-15 and sum=-2 Expand the equation x2-5x+3x-15=0 Factorise x+3x-5=0 Set each equation equal to zero x+3=0 or x-5=0 x=-3 or 5 Method 2Solve by Quadratic method ax2+bx+c=0 x=-b±b2-4ac2a ...
    1 page/≈275 words| 2 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Pure Mathematics Economics Math Problem Research Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; If a regression model reveals the value of R squared = 0.69,then that times that the predictive model of the data set can account for 0.69=69% which is effective to make a judgment. The R-Square value expected range is between 0.60-0.90 which is translated to mean...
    1 page/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Read the questions in this document 2 Edit your responses into this document 1 Replace the text in blue italics with your responses 2 The associated data and/or original graphs are provided separately in an Excel spreadsheet where necessary....
    4 pages/≈1100 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Ecomomics Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Marginal revenue is calculated by dividing the change in total revenue by the change in the quantity sold. This shows that the marginal revenue is the gradient (slope) of the total revenue curve. Marginal Revenue = Change in Total RevenueChange in Quantity Sold...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Mathematics Guideline on the Warehouse Economics Math Problem
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; 572.31 square feet = 82944 cubic inch Give the need to store 200000 pallets within the warehouse, and there is a need for theoretical square feet measurements as given below: 572.31×200000=114462000...
    1 page/≈275 words| 2 Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Fundamental Equation Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Fundamental equations are simple but important equations derived from the definition of entropy and the First Law of thermodynamics. The derived equations can be expanded to form complex thermodynamic functions using various mathematical manipulations....
    1 page/≈275 words| 3 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Calculus Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Using integration by parts U = x dudx=1 , therefore du =dx dv =sin3x dx v =- 3cos3x = vu -vdu =-x3cos3x+13cos3x dx =-x3cos3x+19sin3x +c 2. If, then for what value of α is A an identity matrix? lefttopto find the determinant of matrix A cos2α - sin2α =1 but cos2α +sin2α =1 cos2α - sin2α = cos2α ...
    1 page/≈550 words| 1 Source | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Solving Mathematics problem - Geometry. Mathematics & Economics
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; A triangle has sides that measure 6 cm, 8cm and 10cm. Find the exact volume of the solid of revolutions formed when the triangle is revolved about the side of the length of 8cm. Volume = π r 2 _h_...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Physics and Natural Sciences. Engineering Math Problem
    Description: Other; Engineering; The particle moves along the positive X-axis, hence its velocity varies as V=αx, where α is a positive constant. Assuming that at the moment t=0 the particle was located at the point x=0, please find:...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | Other | Engineering | Math Problem |
  • Polynomial. Answer polynomial questions with written explanation
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; x^2 - 15x +54 The general form of this polynomial is ax^2 + bx +c . To factor this polynomial, you need to find two factors that will give the product of ax^2 by c and the sum of the two factors will be equal to bx. In our problem here, the product should be 54x^2 and the sum should be -15x....
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Logarithm. Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Assignment
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; log (2x + 1) – log (6) = 2 Solution We can combine the two logarithms on the left side of the equation so that the equation now looks like this; log ((2x +1) /(6)) = 2...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Mean and variance. Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Seven samples were obtained having the values 21,22,26,29,27,26 and 24. Find the value of the mean and standard deviation. To find the mean of a data set, you add all the values in the data set and divide by the number of values in the set....
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Trigonometry Problems and Solutions
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; With the consideration of angle θ, the side represented as 10 feet is the “opposite”, the side labelled ‘S’ the “Hypotenuse” and side ‘a’ as the “Adjacent”. These terms will be used in the solution of the trigonometric problem. * Write θ as a function of S. Solution According to trigonometric functions ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Quantitative Reasoning. Accounting, Finance, SPSS Math Problem
    Description: MLA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; 2.5 % lie below 60 kg since 25/1000 = 2.5%; for the same reason 2.5 % lie above 88 %. In other words, the middle 95% weigh between 60 kg and 88 kg. Since the distribution is Normal, 95% of the data lies within two standard deviations of the mean...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | MLA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Optimization Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Volume= (U+3)m3, where U is the third digit of the student number. In this case the student number is 1839996 and so the third digit is 9. So, Volume=(9+3)m3=12m3, The cost breakdown is given by: * Cost of the base and top is 8 Pounds/m2 * Cost of the front side is (10+Z)Pounds/m2= 16 Pounds/m2...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 3 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Solution of Linear System Using MATLAB Mathematics Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Question Two MATLAB CODE % system of 3 by 3 linear algebraic equations % -5x + 3y -2z = -19 % 2x -7y -4z = -28 % -4x +y -2z = 16 clc; clear; A = [-5,3,-2;2,-7,-4;-4,1,-2]; % Coefficient matrix b = [-19;-28;16]; % Right hand side xyz = A\b; % Solution is inverse of A times b...
    3 pages/≈825 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; TASK TWO. ELEMENTARY CALCULUS. 1 We are given fx=5x+4 and gx=2x-6, and therefore, * f+gx=fx+gx=(5x+4)+(2x-6)=7x-2 * f-gx=fx-gx=5x+4-2x-6=3x+10 ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Integration Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; The constant 3 can be taken out of integral as shown in equation (1). Applying u- substitution as shown by (Carl,2003) we let u=2x-1 and so dudx=2 which implies that dx=du2. The indefinite integral (1) now becomes 3secutanudu2=32secutanudu.(2) Applying u-substituion again, we let v=secu and so...
    1 page/≈550 words| 1 Source | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Linear Equations Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; We have adopted the notation by (Anthony & Burgess, 2014), where in this case, ∆y∆x=1,500.00 $/year is the annual rate of change of salary and C is a constant denoting the starting annual salary. Using ∆y∆x=1,500.00 $/year we can write the model equation as...
    1 page/≈550 words| 1 Source | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Formation and Solution of Quadratic Equations Mathematics Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; This gives values of z as; z=4, and z=36. Since z=x2 we have the four values of x as x=-6, x=-2, x=2, x=6. The corresponding values of y, using y=6x are y=-1 when x=-6, y= -3 when x=-2, and y=3 when x=2, y=1 when x=6. Step 3: Computation of the required result...
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Geometry Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Essay
    Description: MLA; Mathematics & Economics; Geometry Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Essay A triangle has sides that measure 6cm, 8cm, and 10 cm. Find the exact volume of the solid of revolutions formed when the triangle is revolved about the side of length 8 cm. Please find the picture below for more information....
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | MLA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Algebraic Expression Literature & Language Math Problem
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Multiplying all terms by the L.C.M  QUOTE    QUOTE   –  QUOTE    QUOTE   = 23  QUOTE    QUOTE   - QUOTE   = 23  QUOTE    QUOTE  +3  QUOTE  - QUOTE  = 23 QUOTE    QUOTE  - QUOTE   = 23 QUOTE  ...
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Algebra Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Research
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Algebra Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Research 7-6.35÷6.5+9.91.2+36+1.2÷0.25-2116÷16924 =0.65÷6.5+9.91.236+1.20.25-2116×24169 =0.1+9.91694824169 =10.012 =10×2 =20 2. x2+1x-4-x2-1x+3=23...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Calculation: Algebra Task
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; 1 Value of x: x2+x-12=0 x2+4x-3x-12=0 xx+4-3x+4=0 x-3x+4=0 x=3, x=-4 2 Value of x: 22x-4=64 22x-4=26 2x-4=6 2x=6+4 2x=10 x=5 3 Value of x: 3cosx+2sin2x=0 From trigonometrical identities: sin2x=1-cos2x Substituting into the equation. 3cosx+21-cos2x=0 3cosx+2-2cos2x=0 2cos2x-3cosx-2=0 Let ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Probability Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Probability Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper Solving Mathematics problems on Probability, Combinations and permutations. Probability Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper Solving Mathematics problems on Probability, Combinations and permutations...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Linear Equations Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Kendra’s cost to run a hot dog stand includes $1200 to rent the cart and $1 per hot dog. She charges her customers $2.50 for each hot dog. A system of equations that represents this scenario is given by The variable d is dollars and the variable x is the number of hot dogs....
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Periodic Functions Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Periodic Functions Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Your task is to create a model of the data to predict the times during the year that a location would be pleasant to visit. This may be when the average monthly temperature is over 14°C....
    5 pages/≈1375 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; The statement problem is about time value of money and will be solved using two approaches namely; the present value and the future value of money. The future value approach is also known as the compounding approach. ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 4 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Mathematician Descartes and the Cartesian Coordinate System
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Rene Descartes lived between 1596-1650. He was a visionary mathematician, a scientific thinker, and metaphysician. Rene discovered techniques that are in use in mathematic up to today. In mathematics, he made sure that analytical geometry was possible; which is an alternative for geometrical ...
    1 page/≈275 words| 2 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Logarithm Question Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Logarithm Question Mathematics & Economics Math Problem In logarithms, we take + ( addition) as multiplication and - (subtraction) as division. In our case we have the subtraction sign which means we divide the values as follows: 4 Log(a/b) = 2 5 NOTE: This is a logarithmic function with base 10...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Finance Accounting, Finance, Spss Math Problem Essay
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Distinct financial research could be the most excellent symbol of all transactions since it has an important result in other zones. Economic planning indicates being the watchful and in-depth assessment of an individual's present and forthcoming monetary objectives. Market liquidity...
    1 page/≈275 words| 6 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Physics. Life Sciences Math Problem. Physics and Natural Sciences
    Description: APA; Life Sciences; The particle moves along the positive X-axis, hence its velocity varies as V=αx, where α is a positive constant. Assuming that at the moment t=0 the particle was located at the point х=0, please find:...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 1 Source | APA | Life Sciences | Math Problem |
  • Logistic Regression Problem Set Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: MLA; Mathematics & Economics; The goodness of fit of the estimated model measures how well the model describes the response variable. Assessing goodness of fit involves investigating how close values predicted by the model are to the observed values of the response variable. The Hosmer–Lemeshow test was used to examine ...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| No Sources | MLA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Math Solution with Explanation
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; A retired couple has $160,000 to invest to obtain annual income. They want some of it invested in safe Certificates of Deposit yielding 6%. The rest they want to invest in AA bonds yielding 11% per year. How much should they invest in each to realize exactly $15,600 per year? SOLUTION WITH EXPLANATION To ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Math. Providing a worked out answer on the problems
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; A retired couple has $160,000 to invest to obtain annual income. They want some of it invested in safe Certificates of Deposit yielding 6%. The rest they want to invest in AA bonds yielding 11% per year. ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Algebra. Providing a worked out answer on given questions
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; We shall use BODMAS rule to solve this equation where we solve the numerator first ((7-6.35) ÷6.5+9.9)) we start we the value in brackets. 0.65/6.5+9.9 then we do division...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Beam Design. Beam Design to Eurocode 2. Engineering Math Problem
    Description: APA; Engineering; Beam is a structural component that carries laterally applied loads. It primarily deflects through bending. When loads are applied on a beam, reactions forces are produced at its supports (Wight & MacGregor, 2005)....
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 5 Sources | APA | Engineering | Math Problem |
  • Statistics Questions Literature & Language Math Problem
    Description: Other; Literature & Language; 1 Assume you are trying to forecast US Tesla car sales by using the number of elephants in Africa as an explanatory variable. Write a regression equation showing a zero intercept and that US Tesla sales is insensitive (unaffected by) the number of elephants in Africa....
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Evolution In Action: Natural Selection Math Problem
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; What observations can you make about the overall shape of each graph? (Imagine that you are drawing a line that connects the tops of the horizontal bars.) In the graph of ground Finches that did not survive, there is an overall increase...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Analytical Geometry Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Analytical Geometry Mathematics & Economics Math Problem BMA 1205 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY CAT The equation of a parabola x2+4x+ 6y-8=0.Find the vertex and the focus of the parabola. (3mks) Solution x2+4x = 6y + 8 (x +2)2 = -6y + 8 +4 (x +2)2 = -6y + 12 (x +2)2 = -6(y - 2) 4p = -6...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Financial and Institutional market Accounting, Finance Math Problem
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; If PV value is $9,000 with 6 years investment, a rate of 12% compounded quarterly, then, the number of periods will be n=6*4=24. Using the present value table, we find the value at 12% with 24 periods the future value then will be: $9,000*0.066=$594....
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Software Project Decision Point. Accounting, Finance Math Problem
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Option 1 bears the following costs -$200,000 - $85,000 - $50,000 - 5*$40,000 = - $535,000. However, it is possible to save 5*$61,000 = $305,000. As a result, the spending of the company will be $230,000. ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Economics Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Economics Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper In order to maximize his utility, John will satisfy the following relationship Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Economics 2 Question 2...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Algebra tasks Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Algebra tasks Mathematics & Economics Math Problem The question is solved by finding logs on both sides (natural log) Ln (22x-4) = Ln 64 But Ln x2 = 2 Ln x Therefore, (2x – 4) . Ln (2) = Ln 64 2x – 4 = {Ln (64)} / {Ln (2)} = 6 2x – 4 = 6 2x = 10...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Finance, Accounting, and Banking Accounting, Finance Math Problem
    Description: Other; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; We are using 600 it is the cash flow close to $1000 the initial investment under year two. We also have to substrate 600 1100 because the next cash flow has exceeded 1000 the initial investment. From the calculations payback is 2.8 years, this is the time the project will be profitable....
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Algebra. Accounting, Finance, SPSS Math Problem.
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; MULTIPLE QUESTION ON ALGEBRA TO BE SOLVED. Accounting, Finance, SPSS Math Problem. Please solve the following problems: 1 Solve for x x2+x-12=0 2 Solve for x 22x-4=64 3 Solve for x...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Statistics. It was about answering statistics questions..
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; You’re going to catch a fish in the river. You know that its size is normally distributed with mean 56 inches and standard deviation 7 inches. What is the probability that you catch a fish over 60 inches?...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Algebra Task
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Find the value of (7-6.35)÷6.5+9.9(1.2÷36+1.2÷0.25-1516)÷16924 Use BODMAS rule to solve this equation Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions: 1516=2116 Hence (7-6.35)÷6.5+9.9(1.2÷36+1.2÷0.25-2116)÷16924 Subtract 7-6.35=0.65 =0.656.5+9.91.236+1.20.25-211616924 Apply fraction rule:abc=a.cb =...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Algebra Task Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Algebra Task Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper Use Quadratic Equation to solve the answer Quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c Quadratic Formula:a=1 b=1 c =-12 x=-1+- √(12-4×1×-12)2 (-1+7)/2 or (-1-7)/2 X=3 or -4 2 Solve for x...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Group Accounting Accounting, Finance, SPSS Math Problem
    Description: Harvard; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Goodwill should be acknowledged as an asset by the parent company in its books of account and is measured as any surplus of investment costs over that parents’ share of net fair value of liabilities and assets identifiable in the subsidiary being acquired...
    1 page/≈550 words| 3 Sources | Harvard | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • MAT 140 Final Project: Problem Walkthroughs. Math Problem
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Given the following right triangle, find cosθ, sinθ, tanθ, secθ, cscθ, and cotθ. Do not approximate: Find exact answers. Show all of your work and explain steps as necessary....
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Z-score Statistics Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Z-score Statistics We reject null hypothesis. This is because the calculated z statistic =38.4214 is greater than z critical two tail =1.95996. Hence fall on rejection region. Thus we conclude, there is statistically difference in student assistantship among the majors....
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  • Cost Accounting Accounting, Finance, SPSS Math Problem
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Labour rare variance = Actual Labour (standard rate- actual rate) = 26,400(5-5.5) = 13,200 (A) Labour efficiency variance = Standard rate (standard usage- actual usage) = 5(24,000-26,400) = 12,000 (A) * Sales price and volume variances Sales price variance = actual sales (standard rate- actual rate)...
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  • Extra Credit Literature & Language Math Problem Paper
    Description: Other; Literature & Language; In a particular sports competition motorcyclists have to jump over a canyon that is 30 meters wide. Now, assume that in attempts to jump over the canyon one of the participants decides to lift his motorcycle at an angle of 20 degrees between the edge of the canyon and the air....
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | Other | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; In everyday happenings, calculations are becoming essential. Making proper predictions helps in obtaining the correct solution and conclusion. The variations in the results obtained in calculations dependents on the approximations errors from the right answer....
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  • Analysis of suction mechanics in aquatics. Engineering Math Problem
    Description: APA; Engineering; The different ways in which aquatic organisms feed have been under constant debate because it has not yet been actually proven the main dominant feeding technique....
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  • Trigonometry Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Essay
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Trigonometry Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Essay Hint: remember the hypotenuse is always the hypotenuse and can never be used as the opposite or adjacent side. Study each picture and match the correct trigonometric ratio needed to solve for the missing side....
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  • Nerdy Turtlez Math Test
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Question One Solution Question Two Solution For A to be an identity matrix, A needs to be Therefore, Question Three Solution The line y = mx + 1 is a tangent to the curve y2 = 4x. Find the value of m. since the equation of the tangent to the curve is y = mx + 1 When we substitute the value of y ...
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  • Mathematical Investigation Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; The objective of this investigation wasto model the transverse cross sections of a champagne flute and wine glass using trigonometric function QUOTE   for the region QUOTE  . Also, the investigation was used todetermine how the shape of an object could be altered by changing the variables...
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  • SOLVE MATHEMATICS PROBLEMS. Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Solving mathematics problems with step by step calculations. 1 Solve for x x2+x-12=0 Let's solve the equation step-by-step. x2+x−12=0. Mathematics & Economics ...
    3 pages/≈825 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Statistics Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper
    Description: MLA; Mathematics & Economics; The endurance scores of two independent groups of patients are as indicated in the following table. The patients in the treatment group were randomly assigned the synthetic hormone, erythropoietin or EPO, while those in the control group were assigned a neutral harmless substance....
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  • Problem Solving. Engineering Math Problem Assignment
    Description: MLA; Engineering; Horizontal curve radii: Curve 1 (chainage 60 to 200) 260 metres; Curve 2 (chainage 420 to 600) 240 metres; Curve 3 (chainage 870 to 1100) 230 metres Drainage structures: Chainage 90 - 1 x 900 mm diameter pipe; Chainage 562 - 2 x 1200 mm diameter pipes; Chainage 1000 - 1 x 900 mm diameter pipe...
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  • Accounting overheads Accounting, Finance, SPSS Math Problem
    Description: Other; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; The negative contribution margin indicates that the variable costs and variable expenses of the company exceed the sales of the company. The company should reduce its expenses in total. The management should also work to increase its sales to counteract the effect of the negative ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Straight Supply Accounting, Finance, SPSS Math Problem
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Straight Supply is a major supplier of medical components to large pharmaceutical corporations. Bonnie Straight is a second generation CEO of the company founded by her father forty years ago. Originally established in Moorhead, Minnesota, Bonnie moved ...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • EQL Model Mathematics & Economics Math Problem Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; MBA 655 Quiz 3 Cranston Dispensers, Inc. In the early 1990s, Cranston Dispensers, Inc. was quick to realize that concern for the environment would cause many consumer product manufacturers to move away from aerosol dispensers to mechanical alternatives that pose no threat to the ozone layer...
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  • CS 220 Discrete Mathematics: Assignment 1 Mathematics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; According to Lutz, Butz, & Samir (2017), the world population is about 7.6 billion. The number of yes/no question that a person can be asked is 2. Therefore, if a person chosen randomly from the population of the Earth, the fewest number of yes/no questions that could be asked...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 1 Source | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • The task was on calculation of mathematical problems in economics
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; 1 Find the equation of the line Perpendicular to y = 3x -5 and passing through (3, 4). Given line y=3x-5 gradient=3 Line 2 gradient=-13 3,4, (x,y) ΔyΔx= -13 y-4x-3=-13...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Economics problems Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Autarkic price for peanuts is $23.3 while the international price is $10. Therefore, at $10, consumer welfare in both countries is high since the cost of global output is low hence unit price is closer to marginal price per unit. For Malawi to move from an autarkic state to being a net importer,...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Trigonometry. Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Problem 1: Find the exact area of the sector and round to the nearest tenth of a unit Answer: Angle of the sector =360o – 225o = 135o Radius of the circle = 4 meter (m) Area of Sector = 135360 x π 42=18.8 m2 (to the nearest tenth of a unit)...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; BOTTLING COMPANY CASE STUDY Mathematics & Economics Math Problem...
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  • Calculus
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  • MARKETING MATH PROBLEM. Mathematics & Economics Math Problem
    Description: MLA; Mathematics & Economics; This is a 2-tailed test where the null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between the means of those provided with the phone app upon entering the park and those who were not provided. ...
    3 pages/≈825 words| No Sources | MLA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Importance of CRM in generating leads. Why you should use Custom HR Software for Your Busine. . .
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Purchasing a well-customized HR software can help your human resource department in achieving its objectives and goals through streamlining management processes and leveraging their tasks such as training, maintenance, and recruitment of the workforce....
    1 page/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Effective Economics Of Industry Under Perfectly Competitive Market
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; The task was about finding the Fix cost, variable cost and profit MAXIMIZATION. The sample is all about economics of industry under perfectly COMPETITIVE market...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Financial Accounting: The Preparation Of A Company's Financial Reports
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Qualitative characteristics of the financial statements are imperative since they ensure that the information provided is of a higher quality and, thserefore, enabling the users to make financial decisions....
    9 pages/≈2475 words| 8 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Writing Assignment Answer All Questions On Engineering
    Description: Harvard; Literature & Language; Figure 1 represents a light beam ABCD of length 10m which is simply supported at the points A and C. The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 30kN/m between A and B and point loads of 100kN and 70kN at points B & D, as shown....
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 1 Source | Harvard | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Mathematics Solving The Waveform In The Figure
    Description: Other; Literature & Language; To determine the equation for the waveform in the figure. The point at which the sine is turned is on φ . The answer is in 3 parts....
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | Other | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Accounting Calculations On A Balance Sheet Of A Company
    Description: MLA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Deferred tax asset account decreased from 0.22% to 0.14%, this might have been as a result of an increase in income tax expense for the year 2017 compared to 2016. ...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 2 Sources | MLA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Preparation F General Fund And Special Fund Accounts
    Description: MLA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; The format for the General Fund Accounts and Special Revenue accounts were prepared in conformity with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) as issued by the IPSAS Board for use by public sector entities around the world in the preparation of financial statements...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 1 Source | MLA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
  • Physics Calculations: Radiography And Tomography
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; The photons generated by the number of X-rays at the anode end generally depends on the amount of energy which is the product of current and Voltage. Therefore, the impact of mA the X-ray energy spread is raising the energies and at the same time, the spread or spectrum remain intact...
    1 page/≈550 words| 6 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Math Problem |
  • Derivatives And Differentiation Equations Research Assignment
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Ball's changing volume: What is the rate of change of the volume of a ball (V=43πr3) with respect to the radius when the radius is r=2?...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • Math Problem: Payment For Physician And Hospital Services
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Mr. Scott is a 69-year old hospitalized at Hillcrest Hospital in Cleveland for a permanent cardiac pace maker procedure. The hospital incurred $150,000 as Medicare approved charges for treating him. ...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Math Problem |
  • Solving Sample Equations On Algebra And Expounding On Properties Of Real Numbers
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Using the distributive property, multiply the terms within the parentheses with term outside, to remove parentheses....
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Math Problem |
  • SPSS Assignment: Case Processing Summary
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Develop a 95 percent confidence interval for the mean number of home runs per team and interpret the results. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Math Problem |
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