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Coursework Samples

Are you stuck and in need of coursework help? You are at the right place. Discover how going through our coursework examples can help you better learn how coursework is written. Have a look at our vast list of academic coursework samples and learn how to draft your own coursework.
  • Creative Commons
    Description: MLA; Communications & Media; Creative Commons Communications & Media Coursework...
    1 page/≈275 words| 2 Sources | MLA | Communications & Media | Coursework |
  • WHS questions and answers
    Description: APA; Law; WHS questions and answers Law Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 4 Sources | APA | Law | Coursework |
  • alcohol and nutrition.
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; alcohol and nutrition. Health, Medicine, Nursing Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Assessing Company Performance
    Description: APA; Business & Marketing; Assessing Company Performance Business & Marketing Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Leadership and Management
    Description: APA; Management; Leadership and Management Management Coursework...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 7 Sources | APA | Management | Coursework |
  • Psychology
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; Psychology Social Sciences Coursework...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • History
    Description: APA; History; History History Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | History | Coursework |
    Description: Other; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; APPLE HOSPITALITY REIT INC. Accounting, Finance, SPSS Coursework...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Business Research Report
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Business Research Report Literature & Language Coursework...
    3 pages/≈825 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Case Study 2 – Sales Vs Revenues
    Description: Other; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Case Study 2 – Sales Vs Revenues Accounting, Finance, SPSS Coursework...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • The Hokies Lunch Group
    Description: APA; Business & Marketing; The Hokies Lunch Group Business & Marketing Coursework...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Sea Fever Poem Analysis
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Sea Fever Poem Analysis Literature & Language Coursework...
    14 pages/≈3850 words| 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • An Overview of Memory Processes and Models
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; An Overview of Memory Processes and Models Literature & Language Coursework...
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
    Description: APA; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; BOUYANCY Biological & Biomedical Sciences Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 4 Sources | APA | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Coursework |
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; FINANCE Accounting, Finance, SPSS Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Sociological and Psychological Theories of Suicide
    Description: APA; Psychology; Sociological and Psychological Theories of Suicide Psychology Coursework...
    11 pages/≈3025 words| 18 Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Cash flows statements
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Cash flows statements Accounting, Finance, SPSS Coursework...
    9 pages/≈2475 words| 8 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; INTRODUCTION FORENSIC MEDICINE (SEXUAL OFFENCES) Health, Medicine, Nursing Coursework...
    9 pages/≈2475 words| 16 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Effects of Environment on Our Lives
    Description: Other; Social Sciences; Effects of Environment on Our Lives Social Sciences Coursework...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | Other | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Health And Medicine
    Description: Other; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Health And Medicine Health, Medicine, Nursing Coursework...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | Other | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • SOAP Notes
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; SOAP Notes Health, Medicine, Nursing Coursework...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Acme Automotive Parts (AAP) Chemical Hazard Calculations
    Description: APA; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; Acme Automotive Parts (AAP) Chemical Hazard Calculations Biological & Biomedical Sciences Coursework...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | APA | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Coursework |
  • Staff behavioral Debriefs to Increase Staff Efficacy which will increase positive student be. . .
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; Staff behavioral Debriefs to Increase Staff Efficacy which will increase positive student behaviors Social Sciences Coursework...
    25 pages/≈6875 words| 52 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Systems - Cyber Threats, Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures
    Description: Harvard; IT & Computer Science; Systems - Cyber Threats, Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures IT & Computer Science Coursework...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 15 Sources | Harvard | IT & Computer Science | Coursework |
  • Numeracy and Data Analysis
    Description: Harvard; Mathematics & Economics; Numeracy and Data Analysis Mathematics & Economics Coursework...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 6 Sources | Harvard | Mathematics & Economics | Coursework |
  • Alterations in Cellular Processes
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Alterations in Cellular Processes Health, Medicine, Nursing Coursework...
    1 page/≈275 words| 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Cost Management & costing Decision
    Description: Harvard; Management; Cost Management & costing Decision Management Coursework...
    1 page/≈550 words| 5 Sources | Harvard | Management | Coursework |
  • Statistics
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Statistics Accounting, Finance, SPSS Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 1 Source | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Statistics
    Description: MLA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Statistics Accounting, Finance, SPSS Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 4 Sources | MLA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Epidemiology in Public and Global Health: Seasonal Influenza in Public Health
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Numerous infectious ailments exist around the world and can be challenging to the health of the individuals. One of the prominent infectious disease widely known is seasonal influenza. To reduce and prevent the spread and severity of signs and symptoms, it is essential to comprehend the response and...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Hip Hop Lyrics can Help Improve Critical Thinking Capabilities
    Description: APA; Creative Writing; Jamal persuades his readers about the power of hip hop by presenting a compelling argument using supporting evidence. Cook starts by sharing his personal experience of being a teacher and discovering the disengagement with his students when using the traditional teaching methods. He stresses on the...
    1 page/≈275 words| 4 Sources | APA | Creative Writing | Coursework |
  • Test Analysis Using One-Way ANOVA
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; One-way ANOVA is a statistical test used to compare various group means that a researcher is interested in and determines whether the group means are significantly different. This test makes use of multiple assumptions to ascertain that the test being conducted is suitable for analysis using one-way ANOVA....
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 6 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Coursework |
  • Research Map Reflection
    Description: MLA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; I used an assortment of primary and secondary information to fully grasp the document's existence during my investigation of the existence cycle of the category report. A discussion with a healthcare coder, an individual survey on healthcare billing, and an email conversation with a health provider agent...
    1 page/≈275 words| 4 Sources | MLA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Surfactants: Mechanism, Classification, and Types
    Description: Other; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; Surfactants are termed as surface-active agents also wetting agents, emulsifying agents or suspending agents depending on its properties and use. Surface-active agents are substances which, at low concentrations, adsorb onto the surfaces or interfaces of a system and alter the surface or interfacial...
    1 page/≈550 words| 6 Sources | Other | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Coursework |
  • The Complex Field of Immunity
    Description: Other; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; The Latin term immunis, meaning “exempt,” is the source of the English word immunity, meaning the state of protection from infectious disease. Types of immunity: A. Natural immunity B. Acquired immunity/Adaptive Immunity Natural immunity It is also called non-specific immunity because it exists in all...
    20 pages/≈5500 words| 15 Sources | Other | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Coursework |
  • The Intricate Field of Immunity: Normal Microbial Flora
    Description: Other; Life Sciences; The term “normal microbial flora” denotes the population of microorganisms that inhabit the healthy normal persons. Normal flora basically consist of bacteria and Fungi that are permanent residents of body sites specially skin, oropharynx, colon and vagina. Viruses and protozoa which are major groups of...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 7 Sources | Other | Life Sciences | Coursework |
  • Precipitation
    Description: Other; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; The process of separating solid particles from a previously clear liquid by physical or chemical changes. Precipitate: The supernatant solid which is collected at the surface is called as precipitate.” OR “When the reaction occurs, the solid formed is called precipitate. Precipitant: The cause of ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 5 Sources | Other | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Coursework |
  • Aquatic Microbiology
    Description: Other; Life Sciences; Aquatic microbiology is the study of microorganisms and their activities in fresh and marine water including rivers, lakes, springs and sea. It is the study of microorganism’s viruses, bacteria, algae, protozoa and microscopic fungi which inhabit these natural waters. Some of these microorganisms are...
    1 page/≈550 words| 12 Sources | Other | Life Sciences | Coursework |
  • What is Data Collection?
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; In Statistics, data collection is a process of gathering information from all the relevant sources to find a solution to the research problem. It helps to evaluate the outcome of the problem. The data collection methods allow a person to conclude an answer to the relevant question. Most of the organizations...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 12 Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Coursework |
  • Postpartum Depression in African American Communities
    Description: MLA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Postpartum depression (PPD) poses a significant health concern for new mothers, as it is a mood disorder that commonly occurs during pregnancy or after giving birth. This perinatal depression not only affects the emotional well-being of mothers but also impacts the crucial bond between mother and baby. Among...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | MLA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Physics: Projectile Motion
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; A mass m is moving (on planet Earth) on a horizontal surface with a velocity ux = 30 ms-1. The mass reaches a ledge with a sharp vertical drop of 100 m above the ocean below (similar to a cliff edge). The mass moves off the ledge, travels through the air and lands in the ocean. a) Calculate the furthest...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Coursework |
  • Patient Care: Evidence-Based Practice and Ethical Considerations
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Evidence-based practice is important in the field of nursing because it helps to integrate clinical expertise with the most suitable external clinical evidence emanating from research. For this reason, Evidence-based practice integrates research with patient values which is imperative in decision-making...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 6 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Vaccine-Hesitancy in Parents of Children Who are Due to Get Vaccinated
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; The practice-related issue pertains to vaccine hesitancy in the parents of children who are to undergo vaccination. Vaccine-hesitancy has been defined as the delay in accepting or refusing vaccines despite the prompt availability of the same (Shen & Dubey, 2019). Early in their lives, children need to ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Religion and Related Topics
    Description: APA; Religion & Theology; One of the theories of religion’s purpose is the functional theories. According to functional theories, religion has social or psychological benefits for both individuals and groups (Jost,2020). These views contend that religion plays certain social roles. The theory of Karl Marx for example explores the...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 11 Sources | APA | Religion & Theology | Coursework |
  • Money Creation and the Federal Reserve
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Banks have a responsibility to ensure that money is available in the economy. Banks create new money whenever they lend (Jordan, 2018). The numbers in their customer's accounts are just accounting entries in the banking system. The numbers are a liability for their customers. When customers use Internet ...
    1 page/≈275 words| 2 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Nursing Process III: Outcome Evaluation Tool
    Description: Other; Health, Medicine, Nursing; 1 Implement the necessary knowledge and skills to prioritize and manage safe, effective care for high-acuity clients. (15 points) * I maintained constant and frequent observation to ensure that high acuity patients remain stable at all time. * Ensuring that the high acuity units are always served by the...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | Other | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Team Contract
    Description: APA; Management; Planning Meetings 1 Our team will be meeting every Thursday evening for a maximum of two hours starting 8:00 PM. Every team member has confirmed their availability on the set meeting time, date, and venue. 2 Our team timekeeper will keep track of the time and ensure that all the issues meant to be...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Management | Coursework |
  • Lesson Plan on Solving Radical Equations
    Description: APA; Education; The 9th-grade class I am designing this math lesson for consists of students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds, including those with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and English Language Learners (ELLs). The school district and cooperating teacher emphasize the importance of differentiated...
    17 pages/≈4675 words| 3 Sources | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • Controversies Surrounding Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird is an acclaimed classic of American literature, having sold over 40 million copies worldwide. Despite its literary significance, the novel has been the subject of controversy and has faced numerous bans in middle and high schools due to its adult themes and language. While...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 6 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Writing a Concept Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; A concept paper involves putting the thoughts and ideas on paper for further investigation. The idea paper serves as the foundation for the study project, which might be commercial or academic in nature. Most students, particularly postgraduate students who are required to do research, jump straight to the ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Conflict and Compromise: The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Description: APA; History; Throughout the history of the world, there have been many social issues that have brought about the conflict. These conflicts brought about a lot of unrest, and some compromises had to be made to bring peace. In the United States, African Americans faced many challenges relating to racism and discrimination...
    9 pages/≈2475 words| 10 Sources | APA | History | Coursework |
  • Comparing Research Approaches
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; Characteristics of the Research Design Is There Manipulation of a Variable? Are There Groups? Are Participants Randomly Assigned to Groups? Can Cause and Effect Conclusions be Drawn? Research Method Experimental Yes Yes Yes Yes Non- Experimental No Yes No No Correlational...
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | APA | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Lower of Cost and Net Realizable Value (LCNRV)
    Description: Other; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; a. A company abandons the historical cost principle and adopts the LCNRV method of valuing inventory. Explain the process of LCNRV (Mark 1) This simply indicates that a write-down would be done from the recorded cost to the lower NRV if inventory was held on the accounting records at a value larger than its...
    2 pages/≈550 words| No Sources | Other | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Healthcare Marketing
    Description: MLA; Business & Marketing; Question 1: Clinicians are sworn to do what is medically appropriate, regardless of whether it is cost-effective or improves the efficiency of the organization. It’s possible that decisions made with the patient’s best interests in mind do not always reflect the organization’s best interests. The majority...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | MLA | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Childcare Service in the Kindergarten: Dinosaurs and Lesson Plans
    Description: Harvard; Education; Dinosaurs are extinct species that happened to live or exist on the planet about a million years ago. Dinosaurs are extinct species that history is familiar with, but some other fantastic prehistoric creatures or animals existed alongside the dinosaurs. They include giants like insects, armoured fish, and...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 7 Sources | Harvard | Education | Coursework |
  • Quality of Life Impacts of Computers and Information Systems
    Description: MLA; Technology; The use of computers and digital information has led to various impacts in life. First, due to the innovation and digitization of processes, there have been improved livelihood since most of the resources can be obtained from the internet. Secondly, depending on computer programmed processes leads to...
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | MLA | Technology | Coursework |
  • How the Use of Fentanyl Affects Society
    Description: MLA; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; Fentanyl also spelled as Fentanil, is from the opioid family and is considered the strongest form of opioid, mainly used to treat pain. With the help of other medications, Fentanyl is used for anesthesia. Fentanyl is considered to be a hundred times strong compared to any other form of opioid; morphine is...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 4 Sources | MLA | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Coursework |
  • Inductive and Deductive Reasoning in Making Theorems, Postulates, and Axioms
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Definition 1 (Reasoning). The process of thinking about something in a rational manner to draw valid conclusions. It is a daily activity that we use to make decisions, which involves the construction of thoughts and converting them into a proposition to give reasons on why we have opted for a particular...
    21 pages/≈5775 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Coursework |
  • Axiomatic Reasoning and Axiomatic Methods
    Description: Other; Mathematics & Economics; Axiomatic reasoning has a long history. It has been used in many different ways. Aristotle saw it as part of what he called first philosophy. Euclid applied it to geometry. Archimedes used it in solving statics problems. Ptolemy studied astronomical models by it. Spinoza used it in his conceptual ...
    11 pages/≈3025 words| No Sources | Other | Mathematics & Economics | Coursework |
  • Introduction to Logic: Mathematical Literacy
    Description: Other; Psychology; 1 Hypothesis and conclusion LOGIC, we could say, is the study of If − then sentences. If a number is divisible by 10, then it is divisible by 2. The clause introduced by If – A number is divisible by 10 – is called the hypothesis. It is what we are given, or what we may assume. The clause introduced by...
    11 pages/≈3025 words| No Sources | Other | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Avalon Project and Its Historical Perspective
    Description: MLA; History; It was in 1663 that King Charles II of England issued the Royal Charter to the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. It ensured the religious liberty of Rhode Island's colonists and gave them autonomy over colonial affairs. This level of autonomy for a colony was unprecedented in previous ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 1 Source | MLA | History | Coursework |
  • How Businesses Communicate With Their Employees
    Description: APA; Business & Marketing; The company chosen for organizational communication and message delivery is Tesla Incorporation. The principal business line of the organization is to manufacture and deliver electric vehicles and energy renewables. In an article published by Inc.'s Justin, the CEO of Tesla- Elon Musk, sent an email to ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Financial Crisis of 2007 – 2009, Was it Preventable?
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Many people have varying opinions regarding the Financial Crisis of 2007 – 2009. While some argue that it is an unfortunate financial turmoil that was preventable, others opine that such an event was inevitable. The said global crisis is a subject of open debate. The Financial Crisis of 2007 – 2009 is ...
    1 page/≈275 words| 2 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Coursework |
  • Anemia
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) measures the average amount or mass of hemoglobin in each RBC. MCH values are low in hypochromic anemias. Reticulocyte count is the percentage of the total number of RBCs blood samples. Its normal count varies between 0.5 % and 2.5% in adults. A count exceeding normal ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Quality Improvement (QI): Nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM)
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; This paper proposes Nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) as a quality improvement intervention in outpatient reconstructive breast surgery offices. NSM is an oncological surgical procedure for women undergoing mastectomy following breast cancer or as a way of a preventive strategy called risk reduction surgery. ...
    1 page/≈275 words| 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Common Gynecologic Conditions
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Patient Information: Initials: SL Age:32 Sex: Female Race: Caucasian Subjective. CC: SL presented with an incessant worsening abdominal pain and odorous vaginal discharge. Her complaints are also accompanied by fever, generalized fatigue, nausea and a burning sensation during urination, which...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Diabetes: Reducing Hospital Readmissions Among High-Risk Patient
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; This paper focuses on people with diabetes as a group that is at increased risk of readmission. Hospital readmission remains of the key parameter of measuring quality health care as well as the target area for cost reduction. There is a growing interest regarding the need to reduce preventable hospital...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 5 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Cellular Diversity: Bacteria, Protists, Animals, Plants, and Fungi
    Description: APA; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; Coccus is spherical or roughly spherical. Some cocci have a cell wall and are Gram-positive, while others lack a cell wall and are Gram-negative. They can be pathogenic or non-pathogenic. Bacillus is rod-shaped or cylindrical. They have a cell wall and are Gram-positive, although some may be Gram-negative. ...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 1 Source | APA | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Coursework |
  • Water Purification, Blue Light Cancellation, and Air Purification Systems
    Description: APA; Technology; The human consumption today to satisfy daily needs is greatly assisted by technology. One of such technologies that create a safer and easier access to people are the water purifiers. These are primarily used to filter contaminants that may be present in the water for a safe and microbe-free or chemical-free...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 6 Sources | APA | Technology | Coursework |
  • Federal-State Medicaid Program
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; One of the best examples of a federal government program in the U.S. administered at the state level is the federal-state Medicaid program. Medicaid is a joint government prerogative program that reimburse the healthcare bills of particular people and households with low income and properties (Hoffman Jr...
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | APA | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Ethics in Healthcare: Moral Status and Fetus and Biomedical Research with Fetuses
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; The two moral theories that an analyst can utilize in categorizing the moral status of a fetus as either having full moral status, appreciable but having no full moral status, or a mere tissue include utilitarianism and Kantianism. For example, Kantianism embraces sophisticated cognitive capacities to...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 2 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • United States vs. Avonde Lockhart
    Description: APA; Law; The plaintiff in Lockhart v. the United States is Avondale Lockhart, and the defendant is the United States of America. The constitutionally protected problem in the case is an infringement of a constitutional provision, which the plaintiff admitted to violating. As per 18 U. S. C. 2252(a) (4), any...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 2 Sources | APA | Law | Coursework |
  • Effects of Taxes on Corporate Investment Decisions
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Taxes have a significant impact on the investment decisions of corporations. Corporate investment decisions are influenced by tax policies and regulations, which can affect the profitability of investments. The effects of taxes on corporate investment decisions can be seen in the choices that corporations...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Risk Management and Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Risks
    Description: APA; Management; 1 Is risk management a legal requirement for businesses? Yes, Risk management is a legal requirement in Australia for business. In general, businesses have a legal obligation to identify, assess, and manage risks associated with their operations and activities to ensure the safety of employees, customers,...
    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | APA | Management | Coursework |
  • Diabetes: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood due to the body's inability to produce or use insulin effectively. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 422 million adults have diabetes...
    1 page/≈275 words| 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • The Earliest Description of Bosch’s Garden of Delight
    Description: APA; Visual & Performing Arts; “The Earliest Description of Bosch’s Garden of Delight” by Ernst Gombrich fascinated me based on how Hieronymus Bosch describes Antonio de Beatis’ travel diary. I was amazed by how well Bosch captured almost everything that Beatis came across as he accompanied Cardinal Luigi d’Aragona in his travels to the...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 1 Source | APA | Visual & Performing Arts | Coursework |
  • Nixon’s Visit to China in 1972
    Description: Harvard; History; Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States of America (USA), was elected in 1969. The individual was determined to normalize the relationship between the USA and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Besides, the relationship between the USA, Soviet Union, and China had been deteriorating since ...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 9 Sources | Harvard | History | Coursework |
  • Financial Accounting and Maximizing Profits
    Description: Harvard; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; I agree that financial accounting in business is less critical than managerial accounting. This is because the primary goal of management accounting is to provide actionable data that can be used inside an organization (Jetter & Walker, 2017). Managers in the business world amass data that enables them...
    1 page/≈275 words| 2 Sources | Harvard | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Secondary Data and Sales Potential for Automated Machines in Restaurants
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Secondary Data and Sales Potential for Automated Machines in Restaurants Mathematics & Economics Coursework...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Coursework |
  • The Processes of Family and Couple Mediation.
    Description: APA; Psychology; The Processes of Family and Couple Mediation. Psychology Coursework...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Elderly Falls: Policy Impact on the Population
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Older adults are among the most vulnerable populations owing to increasingly weak muscles, balance issues, and other health conditions that come with age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 million fall-related injury cases are treated yearly, with over 800,000 requiring...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • Business Continuity and Resilience
    Description: Harvard; Management; Business Resilience vs Business Continuity, Business resilience is a cultural phenomenon, whereas business continuity is primarily operational....
    11 pages/≈3025 words| 68 Sources | Harvard | Management | Coursework |
  • EU Level Banking and Supervisory Structures to the Financial Crisis
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; How Did Banking Change In Financial Crisis, the banking and supervisory structures at European Union level have proved adequate in responding to the debt crisis...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 5 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Housing Price Forecasting
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Housing Market Prediction, A new study shows where home prices are likely to fall in 2023....
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 4 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • assignments on different questions of comparative education course
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; Teachers College Comparative Education Course,The assignments for this course are designed to provide students with multiple opportunities to apply their learning....
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 1 Source | APA | Social Sciences | Coursework |
  • Contemporary International Management Practices
    Description: Harvard; Management; Contemporary management refers to the current practices, theories, and approaches used by managers and leaders to achieve organizational goals and objectives. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from leadership and communication to strategy and innovation....
    15 pages/≈4125 words| 16 Sources | Harvard | Management | Coursework |
  • Error Identification and Debugging
    Description: APA; IT & Computer Science; Error identification and debugging are critical skills for software developers, engineers, and anyone working with computer programs. Our articles and guides offer practical tips and strategies for identifying and fixing errors in code, from basic syntax errors to more complex logic problems. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | IT & Computer Science | Coursework |
  • 4P's of Marketing
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; 4P's of marketing mix are product, price, place, and promotion, which are the four main elements that businesses use to market and sell their products or services. Understanding these four components and how they interact is essential for creating an effective marketing strategy. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Class Environment
    Description: APA; Education; How To describe a class environment? start by taking in your surroundings and paying attention to the physical space. Take note of the size of the room, the seating arrangement, the lighting, and any other notable features such as whiteboards or projectors....
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | APA | Education | Coursework |
    Description: APA; Life Sciences; European Integration, The politics of European integration is a complex and ongoing process that involves the cooperation and integration of European nations. European integration refers to the process of political and economic integration between European countries in order to promote peace, stability....
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 2 Sources | APA | Life Sciences | Coursework |
  • Gender Gap and Comppensation
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; Gender pay gap has a significant impact on compensation and hiring practices in companies, especially in the startup industry. Studies have shown that women are often paid less than their male counterparts, even when they have the same qualifications and experience....
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Coursework |
    Description: MLA; Education; Observation report example, an observation report is a detailed account of an event, behavior, or phenomenon that has been observed and recorded. For example, an observation report might be written on the behavior of children in a daycare setting. ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| No Sources | MLA | Education | Coursework |
  • The Difference between Fear and Angst in Existentialism
    Description: APA; Psychology; Difference between fear and angst, In existentialism, the difference between fear and angst is closely related to the concept of human freedom and the search for meaning in life. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Coursework |
  • Business Plan Report
    Description: Harvard; Business & Marketing; Business plan report example,Get inspired by our business plan report example and learn how to create a winning plan for your own venture. Our expert analysis covers everything from financial projections to marketing strategies, giving you the tools you need to succeed....
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 4 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Coursework |
  • Management/Managerial Accounting
    Description: Harvard; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Managerial accounting is a field of accounting that focuses on providing internal financial information to managers and decision-makers within an organization. ...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 17 Sources | Harvard | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Coursework |
  • Theoretical Approach Matrix II
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    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | Other | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Coursework |
  • The Concept of Transformation and Engaging Families in a 'Decay Museum'
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    1 page/≈275 words| 3 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Coursework |
  • Colors in art history
    Description: APA; History; Colors in art history History Coursework...
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    1 page/≈275 words| No Sources | Other | Life Sciences | Coursework |
1 | 2 | 10 | 20 | ... last

Coursework Examples

Are you buying coursework? These days, a significant number of essay and coursework examples are available on the web. But the problem is that non-native speakers write most of those writing projects and there is never any guarantee of quality, affordability, and consistency. Another significant issue students might have to face is that they are not given what they are promised. It has been found that a large number of writing companies that allow students to buy university coursework do not let them download the coursework once the payment has been made. In the case of EssayKitchen, you would never have any such issues.

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The process begins with coming to our website. If you have decided that you will buy a coursework and that a good company has to be found for this purpose, then you need not to go here and there and come to Essay Kitchen. Once you have found us on the web, the next step is to check the huge list of prewritten coursework to have an idea of the quality we provide to our students. If you do not have any interest in a prewritten paper, then we encourage you to place an order and get the coursework done from scratch.

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There are plenty of coursework examples in our database. This means you can always have the opportunity to choose something nice for yourself. For example, if you are studying science and want a suitable topic, then we encourage you to go through the huge collection of prewritten coursework and select what deems to be suitable for you.

The purpose of a sample of a coursework is to help both local and international students learn how to do their coursework themselves, and we never ask anyone to submit these prewritten projects to their teachers. This is because they are 100 percent copied and are only usable when something needs to be learned from them. If you think that you can get good marks by using these prewritten tasks as such, then we do not encourage you because you will not be getting any mark and the supervisor may fail you in the specific semester or course.

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Amazingly, the prices are reasonable and compared to other companies that provide these kinds of prewritten coursework, our papers are of top quality and come at pocket-friendly prices. You can process the payment through PayPal and be ready to download it as soon as the payment has been reached to our account. If you want to download more coursework from the system, then you will have to repeat the same process. So we encourage every student to get benefited from the prewritten coursework or essays and to not waste their precious time, energy and money on the writing companies that have been cheating on them by giving them 100 percent plagiarized materials on the name of custom papers.

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