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Term Paper Samples

  • Project ManagementProject Management Business & Marketing Term Paper
    Description: MLA; Business & Marketing; Project managing tools are very essential projects, because they help individuals to keep track of the things that are essential and important to remember. This is especially important within businesses, since the bulk of a job position could be based on team projects and assignments....
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | MLA | Business & Marketing | Term Paper |
  • Slavery And Colonialism History Term Paper Research
    Description: Chicago; History; The tremendous growth of the Canadian economy was aided by the African slaves who worked for the Canadians. This economy led to the growth of industries among others as a result of presence of the industrial materials and labour offered by the slaves in the industries...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 10 Sources | Chicago | History | Term Paper |
  • Water Pollution Life Sciences Term Paper Research Paper
    Description: MLA; Life Sciences; Water is very essential in the survival of every living thing that exists on the surface of the earth especially human beings. Animals and plants also depends on availability of water for their growth and survival. Therefore, there is need of conserving water sources such as rivers, dams, seas and oceans...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 7 Sources | MLA | Life Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Constitutional and Political Issues in the 1850s in the United States
    Description: MLA; History; Slavery was at the center of attention during this historical period, and there existed a longstanding dispute between Southerners and Northerners in the Union. On the one hand, southern slave owners insisted on fugitive slave laws that were to be extremely stringent....
    1 page/≈275 words| 1 Source | MLA | History | Term Paper |
  • Scientific Based Novels Creative Writing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Creative Writing; Science fiction is a kind of writing based unfounded opinions speculative fictions which consists of only imagined characters and the storyline that does not exist in the real-life situation. Science fiction stories traverse between a wide range of topics that in most cases, adventure in space and time...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 3 Sources | APA | Creative Writing | Term Paper |
  • "Taking God's Country Back" Reading Response. Literature Term Paper
    Description: MLA; Literature & Language; Andrew Hartman in chapter three “Taking God’s Country Back” from his book A war for the soul of America raises issues concerning the American government becoming too secular and how evangelicals got involved in politics in order to bring the country back to the moral religious ways. They expressed their...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 1 Source | MLA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Market Efficiency & WACC Efficiency of the London Stock Exchange Market
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; An efficient capital market is one in which it is not possible to earn a higher return on assets (shares, bonds, treasury bills, options, etc.) invested in than the market return Allen, Brealey and Myers (2011). ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 7 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Term Paper |
  • Leaders Are Born Not Made Social Sciences Term Paper
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; The precept that leaders are born comes with the managerial impetus to identify and select the right people for leadership rather than creating a platform for recruitment which avails equal opportunities for all to prove themselves through training in the making of leaders....
    11 pages/≈3025 words| 15 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Consequences of Socio-Economic Inequality in Canada and Ways It Has Been Dealt With
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; The socioeconomic inequality in Canada is at its apex. The Conference Board of Canada (2018) acknowledges this fact and infers that in the last twenty years, the gap between poor and the affluent has widened as evidenced by the Gini index scores. ...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 10 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Leadership Strategies for a Changing World Social Sciences Term Paper
    Description: Harvard; Social Sciences; The success of an organization is pegged on effective leadership. However, leading in the contemporary world is challenging and demands leaders to change tact to tackle the hurdles. Modern day leaders must be able to adapt to the changing environment to successfully influence and guide followers to act...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 18 Sources | Harvard | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Media Planning and Management Communications & Media Term Paper
    Description: APA; Communications & Media; Media planning refers to various activities and decisions made when trying to deliver advertisement messages to a large target audience at low cost and in an effective manner. It involves strategies and objectives used in the media to accomplish advertising and business objectives...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 10 Sources | APA | Communications & Media | Term Paper |
  • The Roles of Job Descriptions in Human Resource Management
    Description: APA; Business & Marketing; Human resource management is the coherent and strategic methods through which organizations manage their employees to ensure that even with their differing personal traits, they can work in unity to attain the company’s goals and objectives. It makes sure qualified and highly skilled individuals are ...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 4 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Term Paper |
  • Cloud Computing Communications & Media Term Paper Essay
    Description: APA; Communications & Media; The cost benefits and effectiveness of cloud computing significantly contribute to the popularity of the service among organizations. Every technological innovation got the benefits and challenges associated with them. Understanding the vulnerabilities and threats involved enables the stakeholders...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 4 Sources | APA | Communications & Media | Term Paper |
  • The Lesson Plan Education Term Paper Coursework Essay
    Description: APA; Education; Arizona English Language Arts Standards 4th Grade Fluency: English Language Learners speak (repeat, paraphrase, connect, explain, integrate) to convey information and understanding, using a variety of sources, for academic and social purposes...
    3 pages/≈825 words| No Sources | APA | Education | Term Paper |
  • Effects of marijuana Social Sciences Term Paper Essay
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; Substance use disorder. Just like any other drug, marijuana is addictive( Hasin, 2015). Studies reveal that most people who used the drug in their teenage years will have developed an addiction. You can find that this drug is taken with accompaniments such as alcohol, cocaine or other drugs...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 5 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • European Legal System and Online Business-To-Consumer Transactions
    Description: Other; Law; IntroductionThe internet technological innovation has led to the emergence of the globalization business trend and spawned “e-commerce” industry that has long changed the business to consumer transactions of goods and services. Nearly all global companies have websites that are accessible to any internet...
    20 pages/≈5500 words| 29 Sources | Other | Law | Term Paper |
  • MooGoo Company Social Media Marketing Report Business Term Paper
    Description: APA; Business & Marketing; This paper analyses the social media marketing of MooGoo Company by identifying their core target market and developing a social media audit. The social media SWOT analysis is also analyzed in this paper so as to effectively understand how social media marketing is used by the company...
    10 pages/≈2750 words| 27 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Term Paper |
  • Saudi Health Policy and Healthcare System Medicine, Nursing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; E-health and National health information system refers to the health informatics that covers all types of electronic (digital) processes in healthcare. E-health deals with all sorts of healthcare services that are delivered through channels of information technology (Randell et al., 2019)....
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Stress Evaluation And Management Management Term Paper
    Description: APA; Management; Workplace setting may create stress among employees due to its inability to provide a suitable environment for effective performance of tasks. Factors such as noise, lack of privacy, poor ventilation, and inadequate sanitary facilities, and poor lighting, among others can cause physical stress...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 10 Sources | APA | Management | Term Paper |
  • Impacts of Consumerism in Choosing Primary Care Provider Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; In global economy the health sector is considered as the first and largest developing industry which is consuming more than 10% of the GDP in countries like Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia kingdom healthcare sector plays a great responsibilities in the growing of the peoples as well as Kingdom economy...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 6 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • History Or Architecture Visual & Performing Arts Term Paper
    Description: Chicago; Visual & Performing Arts; Architecture is a critical aspect of art that incorporates various elements ranging from aesthetics to practical features. Throughout history, various structures served various purposes, which greatly influenced their architectural designs. Notably, these structures did not only house their owners,...
    9 pages/≈2475 words| 20 Sources | Chicago | Visual & Performing Arts | Term Paper |
  • Environmental Policy Literature & Language Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; The establishment of the Clean Air Act took place in 1970 as a response to the deterioration of air quality in the United StatesCITATION EPA15 \l 1033 (EPA, 2015). At the time, smog had become a major factor in most of the cities in the nation, particularly those with prominent industrial activity....
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 5 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Writing Styles and Literary Work of James Fenimore Cooper Essay
    Description: MLA; Literature & Language; James Cooper was an iconic American novelist and writer in the early nineteenth century. He was born in New Jersey’s, Burlington in 15th of September in the year, 1789. His parents were William and Elizabeth and he was the eleventh of the thirteen siblings. Before he began writing,...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 5 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Policy issue Health, Medicine, Nursing Term Paper Essay
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; HIV/AIDS policy is a particularly useful issue for studying processes of policy making both because it presents an ever-changing stream of challenges to policy makers and because it often affects socially marginalized groups that the state has historically had difficulty serving. In addition, HIV/AIDS...
    10 pages/≈2750 words| 10 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Router Networking, CISCO IT & Computer Science Term Paper
    Description: APA; IT & Computer Science; Without an effective infrastructure and no security policy and implementation in place, network availability within an organization can be interrupted. This proposal begins by assessing the risks to Evil Corp. Unlimited’s network and formulates remedies. Continuation of the proposal suggests...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 2 Sources | APA | IT & Computer Science | Term Paper |
  • Legal and Illegal Wars in the U.S Literature & Language Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; According to S.J. Res 23 (107th), “The president is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations...
    11 pages/≈3025 words| 9 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Blockchain Assignment Business & Marketing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Business & Marketing; Over the last two decades, technological advancements have transformed the field of marketing slowly, but steadily. E-commerce and its associated technologies have given increased control over their interactions to the customers. Consequently, brands must adapt, or they become obsolete...
    10 pages/≈2750 words| 10 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Term Paper |
  • Use of Mainframe and Cloud Technologies by a Banking Enterprise Paper
    Description: Harvard; Technology; Banks are the most important elements of financial systems that are crucial for the economic growth of any country and these financial systems need to be efficient enough to deliver their mandate with the support provided by information technology. The banking industry like the other economically...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 6 Sources | Harvard | Technology | Term Paper |
  • HR956 Psychometrics in Organisations Management Term Paper
    Description: Other; Management; Robust HR analytics and job analysis activities help HR managers to implement better hiring decisions. Evidence adduced by Marr (2018) shows that HR analytics and job analysis forms the foundation of objective hiring decisions. The authors base their argument on the reality that the contemporary...
    1 page/≈550 words| 16 Sources | Other | Management | Term Paper |
  • Gross Profit Literature & Language Term Paper Essay
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Profitability RatioA) Gross Profit Ratio: It is a ratio which indicates the correlation between the gross profit margin of the company and the net sales. The Gross Profit ratio is used by the financial statements users to evaluate the profitability which is true of organization sales (Solan,2019)...
    1 page/≈550 words| 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Management Accountancy Accounting, Finance, SPSS Term Paper
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Preemptive Management and Recognition: Implementing rewards in the workplace helps in guarantee results and preemptive management should be practiced (Glas, 2018). This means simply that the employees what is expected always know so there is any guesswork never or consequences are needed in the workplace....
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 15 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Term Paper |
  • Corporate And Social Accounting Accounting, Finance, SPSS Term Paper
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Owners Equity SectionHarvey Norman has recorded the following items under the owner's equity section. The contributed Equity for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018 is recorded at $385296000, $386309000, $388381000, Reserves are recorded at $155814000, $174,950000,$185384000 and retained...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 10 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Term Paper |
  • Corporate accounting Accounting, Finance, SPSS Term Paper
    Description: Harvard; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; A job advertisement is a notification on the printed or electronic form to recruit someone for performing good work in the designated position at the firm. A job advertisement is used by the employer to request from the public or targeted candidates the applications. The section is used by the job...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 10 Sources | Harvard | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Term Paper |
  • Globalization Accounting, Finance, SPSS Term Paper
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Accounting is essential for business firms since it helps people understand the concept of accountancy. With this knowledge, an organization can arrange, verify and represents its financial information and be able to adjust in case of any changes. Globalization is the transformations witnessed all over...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 3 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Term Paper |
  • Networking Fundamentals Technology Term Paper Research
    Description: APA; Technology; Networking is the process of connecting multiple devices or computers using various paths to share resources (Mitchell, 2019). The company should implement an open system to allow information sharing from the reception, offices, and the two data points that each individual requires at their workstation...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 8 Sources | APA | Technology | Term Paper |
  • A Hna Protocol For Health Issue In A Community In Nigeria Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; The core objective of primary health care is to offer accessible health to every individual in Nigeria. In connection to that, the government implemented a policy in 2000 that would ensure every member of the community is in a position to access healthcare services. However, almost two decades...
    9 pages/≈2475 words| 80 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Collaboration and Team Building Health, Medicine, Nursing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; The provision of care that is solely beneficial to a patient depends on the degree of cooperation, coordination, and the working together of healthcare professionals as team members aiming for the same goals. Indeed, it is vital to stress that collaboration and team building efforts are essential...
    1 page/≈275 words| 6 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Social Structure, Institutions, and Culture of the Oelwein Community Between 1980 and 2010
    Description: MLA; Life Sciences; Methland chronicles a community under siege due to prevalent cases of methamphetamine abuse. According to Reding, the author, the drug menace had disoriented the social structure, institutions, and culture of Oelwein's approximately 6100 residents (1-3). Prominent characters Reding uses to highlight...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 1 Source | MLA | Life Sciences | Term Paper |
  • MICROBIOLOGY EXAM. Literature & Language Term Paper
    Description: MLA; Literature & Language; DNA is a macro-molecules which is made up of as nucleotides that are found in all living things, each of this nucleotide contains phosphate group a nitrogen and sugar group. Nitrogen Bases namely are (A) Adenine, (G) Guanine (T), thymine and (c) cytosine....
    7 pages/≈1925 words| No Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
    Description: APA; Psychology; Every person has a degree of narcissism, but many factors influence its longevity. Narcissistic individuals exhibit excessive interest in self-admiration by focusing on their positive physical attributes or despising others who do not share their qualities. ...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Term Paper |
  • The Second World War Literature & Language Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; During the post-1945 Second World War, there was prosperity in Canada. There was an increased presence of liberal governments that led to significant national policies ranging from social welfare, pensions for the old age people, universal healthcare, historical developments...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 8 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • The Great Recession Mathematics & Economics Term Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Starting in the middle of 2007, there was a financial crisis that was global that had major effects in the housing markets in the United States. The crisis was a surprise to policy makers because the financial market was not favorable at the time. The markets that were affected include the housing market...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 11 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Term Paper |
  • Database Management IT & Computer Science Term Paper
    Description: Harvard; IT & Computer Science; The DBMS also referred as a tool which can access the data itself, format according to the system along with fields name, record structure and the structure of the file. In the present context, it is highlighted primarily on the role of an entity-relationship diagram that shows the proper relationship...
    10 pages/≈2750 words| 8 Sources | Harvard | IT & Computer Science | Term Paper |
  • Business Laws Law Term Paper Research Coursework Essay
    Description: Harvard; Law; Business is regulated by the government for many reasons such as public welfare and safety, protection of business and revenue generation. Several businesses are overseen and reviewed regularly because if their activities go wrong could have harmful impacts on human health, community...
    17 pages/≈4675 words| 26 Sources | Harvard | Law | Term Paper |
  • Role of Emotion in building the credibility of a manager on the workplace Executive Summary . . .
    Description: Harvard; Literature & Language; Credibility is believe and trust the leaders create with their team in the workplace. Emotion control is the regulation of emotions, responses and expression of emotion in the workplace. ...
    1 page/≈550 words| 4 Sources | Harvard | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Talent Planning in Organizations Business & Marketing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Business & Marketing; Talent planning is a part of Human Resources process that makes certain that firms are able to identify and attract core individuals with the skills. The skills need to craft an inexpensive advantage and that energetically takes care of an applicable balance of assets to meet changing...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 5 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Term Paper |
  • Advocating for Children: National and International Contexts Paper
    Description: APA; Management; Children are usually affected politically, environmentally and culturally during their development and challenges are often different from both the national and international contexts. A child is a small being who has not yet fully grown and needs to be nurtured and cared for until they mature...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 8 Sources | APA | Management | Term Paper |
  • Organizational Culture: Redhook Ale Brewery Management Term Paper
    Description: MLA; Management; Business organizations have adopted strategies that are aimed at creating an efficient culture within the organization. Organizational culture can shape business operations since it determines the relationship between the employees and the leaders. The paper examines how business...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 2 Sources | MLA | Management | Term Paper |
  • Historical Cultural Paper Social Sciences Term Paper
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; The society has defined specific gender roles and responsibilities and demands that both genders meet the stereotypes emanating thereof. Women are expected to be submissive, quiet and attractive while men are required to exhibit strength, independence and athleticism....
    3 pages/≈825 words| 4 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Rhetorical Analysis about Torture
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Torture is a category of psychological conflict used to disruption the will of convicts. Death, agony and prison remain to be part of day-to-day life for some members of the United States of America. These citizens are not equal to free man, my friends and I at their age; they are not frightened. They are ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
    Description: Harvard; Engineering; Over a long period of time, the United Kingdom has accumulated a lot of radioactive waste from varying sources ranging from electrical power generation from nuclear power plants,the use of radioactive materials from factories and industries, refuse from medicine and research and defence-based nuclear plants...
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 14 Sources | Harvard | Engineering | Term Paper |
  • Term Paper: Analyzing Saturn and its Rings Life Sciences Term Paper
    Description: APA; Life Sciences; There has been many speculations and multiple questions that seek to be answered regarding planet Saturn and its rings. The rings make it the most special and unique planet among the discovered ones. First, it is essential to look at some of the discovered facts about Saturn and its rings. ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 6 Sources | APA | Life Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Strategic Blunders:Hitler’s Military Strategies in Operation Barbarossa
    Description: Chicago; History; The Directive no. 21, issued by Adolf Hitler to the German army called for the Germans’ attempt at invading the Soviet Union through Operation Barbarossa in the WWII, 22nd of June, 1941...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 20 Sources | Chicago | History | Term Paper |
    Description: Chicago; History; In the mid-1950s, individuals began protesting against discrimination and racial segregation in the U.S. In the process, they developed the civil rights movement that gained national prominence....
    7 pages/≈1925 words| 5 Sources | Chicago | History | Term Paper |
  • Indigenous Film: Cultural Heritage and Identity. Term Paper
    Description: MLA; Social Sciences; My final proposal intends to draw the thematic resemblance between Sherman Alexie’s Smoke Signal and Hands of History, directed by Loretta Todd. Most significantly, cultural identity and heritage are central themes in both films....
    7 pages/≈1925 words| No Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Term Paper |
  • Application of Statistics in Health Care. Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; A statistic refers to a single measure of a selected population. A population consists of a diverse group of people. Statistics refers to a process by which data is collected, organized, analyzed, interpreted and presented (Dodge, 2006). ...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Management Term Paper Research Coursework Essay
    Description: MLA; Management; The organization is one of the most popular and biggest organizations in China. It is an online retail store and according to the revenues earned by this organization, it is also the biggest revenue collecting organization on the internet. The organization offers its customers a wide...
    14 pages/≈3850 words| 5 Sources | MLA | Management | Term Paper |
  • HR Function Management Term Paper Research Coursework
    Description: APA; Management; Sample 1: The Human resource mission statement as given in sample 1 is strong and effective. The mission is to create value-added policies of Human resource and implement programs. This also involves providing the expert consultation, solutions and services in a customer-focused...
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Management | Term Paper |
  • Harlem Renaissance History Term Paper Research Paper
    Description: APA; History; The Black Arts Movement can be dated back to the late 1960s early 1970s. The ‘Black Aesthetic’ cultural ideology illustrates African-American literary history. The movement was focused on portraying the strengths, struggles, and joys of the Afro-Americans via poetry...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 8 Sources | APA | History | Term Paper |
  • FICTIONAL LEGEND WRITING. The Legend of Simbi Nyaima. Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; This legend attempts to explain the existence of a mysterious small Lake known as Simbi Nyaima. The villain is a King who takes control of a Kingdom after the death of his father. ...
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Gold Care Housing Association Safety and Social care Report Term Paper
    Description: Harvard; Management; Recently, residents have expressed their concern about how our organisation addresses the issue of anti-social behaviour and the negative impacts of boarded and empty flats. This paper highlights the problems expressed by residents through a comprehensive report addressing...
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 11 Sources | Harvard | Management | Term Paper |
  • Cardiovascular Disease and the Risk Factors Medicine Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; According to the American Heart Association, the guidelines on monitoring one’s blood pressure have been useful in increasing the number of stroke survivors. For instance, records show that such provisions where a patient is able to monitor the progress of their blood pressure could ...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Education Literature & Language Term Paper Research
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Studies conducted have indicated that poverty has played a significant role in affecting education in the United Kingdom. In evaluating the demographics of the United Kingdom, it is vivid that there is a larger population of children hailing from families that can be categorized as low-income earning...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 4 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Major report. Pharmacy Management Report. Term Paper.
    Description: Harvard; Literature & Language; Leadership is crucial for pharmacy management. Effective leadership has positive impacts on the pharmacy profession and any other organization. Leadership incorporates the capability of a person or a team of individuals with set characteristics to influence other team members successfully (Gallagher 2012)....
    11 pages/≈3025 words| 50 Sources | Harvard | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Be prepared to walk away. Literature & Language Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Suggest 2 decisions an effective negotiator needs to make when the need to walk away is evident even before the negotiation session begins. Provide at least 2 examples in which you need to be prepared to walk away in personal or professional situations to support your rationale....
    1 page/≈550 words| No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Effectiveness of communication Communications & Media Term Paper
    Description: APA; Communications & Media; Communication plays a very integral role in the overall success of an organization. It ensures that information is conveyed from the management down to the lowest earning employee. It is also essential in the success of the various departments within an organization....
    5 pages/≈1375 words| 4 Sources | APA | Communications & Media | Term Paper |
  • Research on femiNistic etHics. History Term Paper.
    Description: MLA; History; Alison Jaggar, a Philosopher of feminist discourse, has widely criticized traditional western culture ethics through five ways in which he claims that "the feminist ethics have failed women....
    3 pages/≈825 words| 3 Sources | MLA | History | Term Paper |
  • Genetics. Description of gene technology. Biological & Biomedical Sciences
    Description: APA; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; Gene technology is the process of modifying the DNA to create a genetically modifies organism ("Gene Technology," 2005). The technology has been extensively used in plants, animals, and humans as well. ...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 6 Sources | APA | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Term Paper |
  • African Denial of Death in Traditional Religion Literature Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; The Africa Traditional religion was an indigenous religion that houses both African practices and beliefs, that cannot be categorized as Islamic or Christianity. The Africa Tradition Africa religion advocated for unity and peaceful coexistence among the Africans rather than targeting to convert ...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 6 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • Understanding Pain Management in Hospice Care Medicine Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; The course planned to address the gap in understanding the concepts of pain management in hospice care among entry-level nurses will be to address their educational level about EOLC. This action aims at educating, training, and mentoring these nurses and the ultimate goal of the educational program ...
    13 pages/≈3575 words| 8 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Lymphoma Psychology Term Paper Research Coursework
    Description: APA; Psychology; Lymphoma means cancer of the lymphatic system and lymph nodes. Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin are the main types of lymphoma. “This type of cancer starts in the white blood cells, or lymphocytes.” (MacGill). While in the blood circulatory system, it metastasizes to various body parts....
    2 pages/≈550 words| 3 Sources | APA | Psychology | Term Paper |
  • Nursing Malpractice Health, Medicine, Nursing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; When Miss Yolanda Pinellas approached the doctor, she expected medical treatment from all the knowledge and skill that the doctor had so that she can feel relieved from her condition. Her relationship with the doctor assumes that of a contract that would bear all the elements of the tort...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Technology in healthcare Technology Term Paper Essay
    Description: APA; Technology; Technological growth has brought a tremendous improvement in the healthcare sector in organization and service delivery. Recent and emerging technologies have played a crucial role in improving the quality of life and health of individuals (Emery J & Emery P, 2012). Beforehand...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 5 Sources | APA | Technology | Term Paper |
  • Public Education History Term Paper Research Paper
    Description: Chicago; History; Public education in the US has come a long way. By 1877, a number of states such as New York and Massachusetts had started accepting the idea of Puritans of setting up public schools. This only happened after years of resistance from colonists who preferred schools that particular...
    8 pages/≈2200 words| 5 Sources | Chicago | History | Term Paper |
  • Canada's Healthcare System Health, Medicine, Nursing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Canada’s healthcare system has gone through several transformations over the years. The reforms and modifications that Canadians have made on their healthcare system reflect how they value equity and fairness in resource distribution (Bryant, 2016). Today, the system’s focus...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 5 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Creating America History Term Paper Research Paper
    Description: APA; History; There’s scanty written information on the perspectives of Native American groups who lived in the years prior to European colonization up to the eve of the American Revolution. Since these documents are hard to find, those interested in the past of these indigenous individuals have had to find information...
    3 pages/≈825 words| 4 Sources | APA | History | Term Paper |
  • Corporate Integrated Reporting Business & Marketing Term Paper
    Description: Harvard; Business & Marketing; For decades, organizations have been recording their annual disclosures in two different reports. One report represents the social and environmental disclosures while the other the financial aspect. However, a debate later emerged on whether these stand-alone reports were costing corporations too much...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 6 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Term Paper |
  • Feminism in Passing and the Story of an Hour Literature Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Since time memorial, men have always been considered as the superior gender with access and power to distribute the available resources. As a result, scholars have explored the issue of feminism in a male dominated world. Their concerns are the increasing gap between males and females in regards t...
    6 pages/≈1650 words| 5 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Term Paper |
  • THE GOOD PERSON FROM SZECHWAN. Accounting, Finance, SPSS Term Paper
    Description: APA; Accounting, Finance, SPSS; Goodness when it comes to our society today, can mean very many things but, its main meaning can be the state of having moral qualities that are according to the norms and Regulations of the society....
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 2 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Term Paper |
  • Martyr to Radiologic Sciences Health, Medicine, Nursing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; During the early days, where Americans were busy exploring and or reporting on the benefits that come along with the discovery of X-rays, more worse news about the X rays were beginning to trickle from all corners of America about its effects. It was discovered that the rays produced undesired...
    4 pages/≈1100 words| 2 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Term Paper |
  • Protection Issues in Microgrid Engineering Term Paper
    Description: Other; Engineering; Abstract: The distributed generation presents a futuristic form of power generation and consumption system which employs different technologies to generate electric power close to the point of consumption. The distributed generation is characterized by high efficiency, low emission of greenhouse fumes, ...
    9 pages/≈2475 words| 18 Sources | Other | Engineering | Term Paper |
  • Anti-gun control History Term Paper Research Essay
    Description: APA; History; The recent mass shooting in the United States clearly depicts the trend of gun violence in our society. The current study shows that in every 100 people living in the United States, 88 of the people own guns (Cothran, 2003). With a variety of weapons and minimal control on who can own the weapon...
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  • Product Brand Business & Marketing Term Paper Essay
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  • Complex project management. Management Term Paper.
    Description: MLA; Management; In the day to day activities managers, practitioners find themselves overwhelmed by the complexity of managerial work activities they encounter on their actions. For many, it's a natural activity which cannot be substituted by exogenous learning. ...
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  • Safaricom PLC and Mpesa Business & Marketing Term Paper
    Description: APA; Business & Marketing; In everything we do, we must make choices on what to do since we cannot perform more than one thing at a time. This is the same scenario for any organization. It must make decisions on the best strategies to adapt and implement for it to remain viable. Furthermore, it helps business entities determine...
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  • Organizational Analysis of Cyprus Creek Hospital Health Essay
    Description: APA; Health, Medicine, Nursing; Cypress creek is a well known recognized hospital which is providing fast psychiatric facilities in Houston, Texas for more than twenty five years. Hospital has 128 beds for the patients. Hospital is providing wider assortment of inpatient, limited hospitalization, and rigorous outpatient amenities...
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  • EFFECT OF VIDEO GAMES. Video games influence on teenager.Term Paper.
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; In gauging teenage behavior, one of the social factors investigated is the playing of video games. Most teenagers choose video games as their favorite activity....
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  • Strategic Management Accounting
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  • THEOLOGY OF MISSION. How God’s nature relates to mission theology
    Description: Chicago; Religion & Theology; In theology of mission, it is important that we ditch into the different accounts from the Bible, and how this is attributed to theology, for us to have a good basis of global mission, and what it entails ....
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  • Financial Management Literature & Language Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; This started in the year 2008 where most of the financial institutions collapsed, government debts increased and the cost of borrowing through the purchase of government bonds increased. The European financial crisis resulted from the disintegration of Iceland’s financial...
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  • Basics of Decision Making Literature & Language Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Human beings are faced with diverse environments around them that require making choices from the available options. People react differently to the circumstances that encounter each, with some making better decisions than others. How every individual makes decisions is determined by several factors...
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  • Forces of demand and supply of aphone Economics Term Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; Due to advancements in technology, mobile phones have innovative functions which make it convenient for daily use. Demand can be defined as the human wants that are backed up by the purchasing power. Supply is the willingness of a seller to sell a product at a given price (Kim, 1971)....
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  • Experiment on Direct Mutagenesis using PCR Literature Term Paper
    Description: MLA; Literature & Language; Arabidopsis thaliana response regulators (ARRs) are a group of proteins that are involved in the phytohormones cytokinin signaling in this plant. These proteins are uniquely grouped together by having a conserved aspartate (Asp) that serves as the phosphorylation site (To et al., 2007). At present,...
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  • Discuss the chain of custody. Chain of Custody. Social Sciences.
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; Chain of custody is a chronological documentation that records the sequence of evidence found during the criminal investigation. Forensic sciences prioritize chain of custody to ensure the flow of events in a crime scene is properly documented....
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  • The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. Mathematics & Economics Term Paper
    Description: APA; Mathematics & Economics; This review is about an article relating to the economic principle of the Law of diminishing marginal Utility. It provides a theoretical introduction to the concept and thereafter a review of a specific newspaper article is made. ...
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  • Portfolio Management. Literature & Language. Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; Investment returns refer to the cash flows generated either above or below the amount of capital invested. It is therefore possible to have both positive and negative investment returns....
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  • DNA Duplication and Cancer Treatment Biomedical Sciences Term Paper
    Description: APA; Biological & Biomedical Sciences; Tumorigenesis describes the multiple step process by which normal cells become neoplastic. Normal cells develop traits that change them into tumorigenic and eventually malignant state. Collectively, these acquired traits are called the hallmarks of cancer and are the result of genomic...
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  • Operant Conditioning Social Sciences Term Paper Essay
    Description: APA; Social Sciences; In this essay, we are going to delineate this process from pre-gambling behavior through to termination of behavior in either treatment or suicide and show how the gambling context explicitly attracts people of certain predispositions living under certain circumstances and goads them through...
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  • Report on Espresso pump Literature & Language Term Paper
    Description: APA; Literature & Language; In Tenant 3, Espresso Pump that mainly sells, coffee, cakes, and other delicious treats are the perfect business that equally deserves safety measure and equipment’s installation. Safety of occupants is the number one priority in any building process....
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